Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, Mr. Thinks He’s The Leading Man. “Ancestor.” Instead of the truth right before your eyes, which is that ancient Egyptians somehow came to worship Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog.
Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, Mr. Thinks He’s The Leading Man. “Ancestor.” Instead of the truth right before your eyes, which is that ancient Egyptians somehow came to worship Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog.
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If he’s so wonderful, I’m sure he’s got time travel in the bag.
That Rex can travel through time should not come as a surprise. His abilities as a wonder dog breach all 10 known dimensions.
What is the surprise is that it’s Rex who taught Ringo Starr how to time travel as well…
Time travel? Please. He’s such a wonder, he’s just lived that long. How do you think he learned how to do all the things he does?
Now we know who built the pyramids…
Well, of course. You can’t spell “Anubis” without “Rex the Motherfucking Wonder Dog”.
AND it’s drawn in perspective no less!!! (Something that really didn’t appear until the 16th century) RTMWD did not only break the time barrier, but he also lived that long!!! He probably had to go back in time and teach those worthless renaissance painters a thing or two!
AND the egyptians were nice enough to paint him panting.
Yeah, the way his tongue’s hanging out is pretty much the punchline here.
He’s not panting. He’s sticking his tongue out. Specifically, he’s sticking his tongue out at this man, at this time. Rex plans for the future.
Holy Shit! Daimon Hellstrom has a son!?!
Technically, it’s not time travel if Rex is occupying all 196,833 dimensions simultaneously.
This is…weird. Even for Rex.
Also, MGK, where do you find this stuff? I need to know wtf happens in this story.
Don’t all great civilisations worship Rex the Mother-Fucking Wonder Dog?
“ancient Egyptians somehow came to worship Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog”
“Somehow”?!? You act like it’s a mystery. He’s Rex, the MFWD. It’s inevitable.
Yeah, the sun “somehow” came up today.
He is immortal! He has inside him blood of kings (from ripping out their throats).
Now we know why mummies exist-all the other Egyptians were envious of Rex’s immortality.
Okay, just to clarify on a couple of points.
1) Rex the Wonder Dog is actually not the same person as Anubis, Judge of the Dead. He did, however, teach him a few things about jurisprudence.
2) In a rare candid interview with Delta magazine (Inundation 114BC issue, if you want to check) Anubis did admit that he gave himself the head of a jackal: “Mostly as a tribute to Rex, my greatest teacher,” and also because: “The ladies loved Horus’s hawk-head schtick, and I figured I had to go one better. Or a lot better.”
My theory is that Rex, existing on a higher dimension than the rest of us, is actually outside of time as we perceive it and exists in ancient Egypt simultaneously to existing now and in the future. In fact, after Dr. Manhattan left Earth for good, Rex was there to truly explain the universe to him.
I can’t believe nobody has noticed how amazing the carving actually is. The image of Rex has such a powerful attractive aura, it actually moved the carving of the worshipper on the left so that his adoring hands were in front of his mighty breast in the second panel.
Screw perspective, THAT’S progress right there…
Oh, jeez. I remember that comic. I found it under my cousin’s bed where he hid his comics from prying little girl cousin eyes. Yeah, I’m that old.
Oh, I love the acronym, Long Live Rex the MFWD! And obviously, he does.
To hell with worshipping the cats. The ancient Egyptians worshipped Rex. And how could they not? He’s Rex the Motherfucking Wonder Dog, after all…
More love for Rex here: http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2010/02/27/comics-are-awesome-900/