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I loved both of Robbie and Jessie’s routines – I could watch the hip hop over and over again.

Fingers crossed that Kieran gets to dance a latin routine with a strong female partner at some point.


Jessie and Ivy have been my favorite females for a while, and this week totally cemented that. They both so fully commit to everything, and have the skill to back it up.

But I’ve had trouble picking another guy to go with Philippe for my top two on that side. At this point, I’m tipping a little more to Robbie than Kieran, just because as much as I’ve liked Kieran, he was awful in that hip-hop.

(And re: naiad’s comment, the only way he’s going to give us a blow-me-away latin, which I think he’s fully capable of, is if he gets Jessica. Who I suspect is gone this week. Although it might happen in Jason G.’s Top 10 number!)


eli, I had thought that Jessie might be able to keep up with Kieran in ballroom, but that’s moot now because his partner for next week is Jessica. Now if only they get Jason G or Leanne Bampton as a choreographer.


Ah, see, I haven’t seen the results yet. So Jess went? Either way, yes, I’m with you on hoping they get Jason G or Leanne.


Bugger. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to spoil you, I just didn’t think.

Cassandra said on March 25th, 2010 at 9:21 am

I loved the Radiohead hiphop by Jessie and Robbie. I really love everything about it – the moves, the idea, the music AND how it was danced.

The cleoplatra and anthony routine was just awful. It really was boring and I don’t mean the lack of tricks – I mean, the actual hip hop bits.

I hated the alien chairs on wheels (hello? they’re just office chairs cut in half – who are you fooling) and in general I wish they’d ditch all the props. The dancing is wonderful without all that stuff.


You always like the emo vampire routines.


Hm, I am the only one to whom that still from the video looks like the dude is getting in position to strangle the girl? :p

I guess I’ve seen too many bad horror movies. ^^


Oh, naiad, nothing to worry about! Being in the U.S., I assume I’m going to be exposed to spoilers as I’m finding the source on this one.


Can someone explain the appeal of Jessie and Robbie’s hip hop? Maybe it’s my dislike of Radiohead getting in the way, or the fact that it didn’t look like a hip-hop routine because, you know, Radiohead, but I really want to like it.


You can tell over the past few weeks that Phillipe knows how to handle his women.


Out of curiosity, how do you locate these youtubes every week? They don’t seem like they’d be very conducive to search results.


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