Attacking Mister Rogers? Seriously. Mister Rogers, for crissake.
It’s rare that I would quote a Youtube comment as eloquent, but:
Even 4chan doesn’t talk shit about Mr. Rogers. That’s how low Fox news has become.
Attacking Mister Rogers? Seriously. Mister Rogers, for crissake.
It’s rare that I would quote a Youtube comment as eloquent, but:
Even 4chan doesn’t talk shit about Mr. Rogers. That’s how low Fox news has become.
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Mr. Rogers created Sylar.
Also, the Land of Make-Believe segments indoctrinated kids to trust a powerful, centralized government to solve all their problems like some sort of kindly old puppet.
That youtube video almost broke my browser.
It’s not exactly a surprise that a private broadcaster owned by Rupert Murdoch would try to demonize the man who personally saved both PBS and the VCR from extinction, but jeebus, is it ever reprehensible.
Right. Our culture of entitlement is entirely due to Mr. Rogers. It’s part of his evil plot. And that’s why Mr. Rogers committed seppuku.
At what point did this seem like a good plan for these people?
Seriously, this is like the all BS over ’empathy’ and ‘social justice’ and ‘community organizer’. It’s as though the US is slowly developing this Bizarro-world thing where up is down and left is right and things that are generally accepted as good and desirable are in fact wicked and evil.
Man. Talking down Mr. Rogers like that is like bashing the Delai Lama if he weren’t the head of a theocratic state with regressive social mores. I’d be way more likely to talk shit about John Paul II or the Dalai Lama than Mr. Rogers. That’s just cold.
“At what point did this seem like a good plan for these people?”
Because they have nothing else. NOTHING. Maybe this is just born from their knowledge that Mr. Rogers will still be entertaining for years after “Fox and Friends” has been justly forgotten. I hope it eats at them until jumping off a bridge starts to seem like a good life choice.
It’s hilarious how much conjecture there is in this video. “These kids” “this generation” “all these people growing up” “the most narcissistic generation”.
Fox News: The old folks’ home of the journalism world.
It is Fox and Friends, though. That’s like being the growth on the bottom of the spittoon. That said, the fantastic thing is that Mr. Rogers would probably forgive them.
So Mr. Rogers is responsible for the Fox people who think to themselves, “Hey, I have no education, no actual functional knowledge, no way way of discerning the difference between the facts and my opinions, but, because I’m me and I’m special, I’m right and the world has to listen to me!” and spreading their toxic nonsense everywhere?
I think Jon Stewart just had a mild heart attack. What are the odds that this crap isn’t going to be on The Daily Show? It might wind up as a Moment Of Zen, but it’s going on.
Wait, why are we talking about this? I swear I remember Fox News “covering” this like a year ago and the world rolled its eyes in unison back then. Are they bringing it up again or what?
Andre, I agree. Mr. Rogers would forgive them, and that’s why Mr. Rogers is a better person than I could ever hope to be.
And also,
Deegan: this video was uploaded to YouTube in 2008. It’s just stunningly bad enough that whoever sees it has to share it.
I actually have a hard time believing this.
I mean, this is Westboro-Baptist-Church levels of retardedly malicious.
This is pretty old news, I’m afraid. Fortunately, it’s long internet half-life gives me an excuse to link the PBS senate hearings clip over and over again.
I’ll follow that up with his Lifetime Achievement Award acceptance speech
Man, whenever you think Fox News can’t get any worse… they top themselves.
Geez, that’s just pathetic.
Damn it, N/A, why would you post that Lifetime Achievement Award Speech? Making a grown man tear up, for shame.
What amazes me is Fox’s uncanny ability to make a mountain out of a mole hill. I mean, my God, is this news? Is this really worth devoting an entire segment to? Some frumpy folks decided to blame Mr. Rogers as a negative influence on their kids. Is there honestly nothing in the world more interesting at this time? It’s like a few months ago, when they did a piece on a “gay-centric advertising campaign.” That is to say, McDonald’s put out a commercial in which a son mentioned to his father that he swung a certain way while they were talking in the restaurant. One commercial.
Which aired in France.
Who the Hell would care about one commercial in France which acknowledged the existence of gay people??
Okay, this is it. Bash Obama if you have to, call us socialists, spread your hateful dialog all over America and keep pushing the extremists to divide this country further. But you don’t fuck with Mr. Rogers. It’s on, bitches.
@ Joe England
I’ve always found Burger King ads to be the gayest anyway (even before the King shown in some guy’s bed I remember cowboys singing about how much they like meat). Why don’t they go after them? I doubt they’re a sponsor since I was under the impression that Fox’s advertising revenue was generated entirely by companies trying to cash in on doomsday panics.
It would be some whack job professor from my Alma Mater that would question the inherent goodness of Fred Rogers. Way to give us a bad name, asshole.
To be perfectly fair, this report is 2 years old.
It’s still untenable that someone would attack a benign man who passed away years after his death with a massively BS complaint. But then, this kind of doushbaggery is what I’ve come to expect from Fox.
Man what a waste of time. They really need to sit back and take a look at their lives. Wow, how sad.
Maybe they will blame other kids shows next. Come on people get a life