This one was actually quite difficult, more difficult than I originally thought it would be, mostly because after I had the idea I realized that I was trying to write an introduction for a character who would never, ever explain themselves, their motives or their ideals. And on top of that, the character is pretty laconic. But he’s still one of my favourites, so I went back to the slate until I had something.
Art provided by the redoubtable Griffin Castro.

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8 users responded in this post
Very nice, MGK. I think you rather perfectly captured the essence of this particular stranger, not to mention his unique vocal cadence. Well done.
I’m with Rick; the execution here is exactly on pitch. Well done indeed.
Sweet. And against the Lords of Chaos no less. Very nicely done.
I want to see this comic. So very badly.
This was great. Extremely clever and creepy use of the word balloons. (Dannneeee!)
Well done. Thanks, MGK.
Doug M.
I really, really liked it.
Except the weird blur thing on the glowy stuff. Looked awkward and didn’t fit the tight black-and-white linework of the rest of it.
But probably the best first page of a Phantom Stranger book ever, although one should bear in mind this opinion is premised on having read exactly two, including this one. But it’s pretty great, is the point.
This is one of the best treatments of the Stranger since Moore’s use of him in Swamp Thing. Well done, sir!