Context. Well, sort of, assuming you watch Community and/or Doctor Who.
(Yeah, yeah, it’s getting time for another “nerdiest post ever” contest…)
Context. Well, sort of, assuming you watch Community and/or Doctor Who.
(Yeah, yeah, it’s getting time for another “nerdiest post ever” contest…)
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
-- Popcrunch.com
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Yeah, got to agree with you here.
You know what it needed? Some good old fashioned sex. I mean, not all the time, maybe, but from TPS you’d assume all of Britain reproduced by asexual budding.
TV Tropes has the alt-Torchwood as “Peacemist: Nicer Post,” and I wrote one as “Sceptic Empirastone.”
But I like yours much better.
Wait, if it’s really Bizarro Doctor Who, shouldn’t it be leagues better than the original?
I think you may be bucking for a Lifetime Achievement award.
I’m still disappointed that the Venusian Sulphur Soldiers haven’t been seen since the late 60s.
I am so incredibly, incredibly glad to see that this has caught on. Now if only there was a way to stop it from being driven into the ground by the internet people.
What’s crazy is that Community itself hasn’t even had a chance to do more with it, and here it is already kind of driven into the ground.
Yeah. This is some kind of record for memetic adaption and proliferation.
This is the future of the internet. It scares the shit out of me.
There are roughly 300 million people in the US. If 1% of 1% of 1% of them are obsessed with a subject, that still leads 300 people to do a project.
It’s worse in the the DCU, where 1% of those 300 use that that as their super villain theme. So yes, pick your favorite TV show and there are three super villains in the DCU version of the US using that as their theme. More if the show is actually popular.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I might actually start reading some DC books if they had Senor Chang as a recurring villain.
On the Community side of things, In my opinion, Doctor Who was canceled back in the 60s, maybe even before there was a second Doctor, and Inspector Space Time became THE show like Doctor Who is on our world…just a thought.
This isn’t even close to “Nope! Chuck Testa!”
I’m LOVING all the creative expression I’m seeing from one stupid throw-away joke in Community.
Compare the product of this oblique Dr. Who love-fest against the pall most of us feel about the Nu52. It’s the difference between fans who feel embraced by their media, and those who feel assaulted (or targeted) by it.
The only beef I have with Inspector Spacetime is that it made it seem that Troy & Abed had never heard of Dr. Who. And these guys are die-hard Browncoats, there’s NO WAY they haven’t heard of Dr. Who. Unless as a previous poster said, the Community universe has no Dr. Who, which 🙁
But it is hilarious how much this tiny gag has begun proliferating.
But even if Inspector Spacetime replaces Doctor Who in the Communiverse, it’s still around after five decades, so it should be a big deal.
However, Abed has Asberger’s, so he’s probably really focused and not always into trying new things. I can believe he might, for instance, be obsessed as he is with American TV without ever having bothered with British until now. That’s actually surprisingly common, even with Doctor Who breaking out over here the way it does. And Troy is just following Abed’s nerdy lead.
@Prankster: That would make the most sense. If Abed’s focus on American TV is so narrow that he had no idea that Cougarton Abbey existed, then he could have missed out on Inspector Spacetime. It’s also possible that he had heard of IS, but never bothered to watch it until somebody put it directly in front of him.
And now that I think about it, that’s how I got into Dr Who!
Maybe both exist. Inspector Spacetime just has better continuity than Dr. Who. And apparently black actors in the 1960s.
I was more amused by Brita’s defense of the Cougarton Abbey finale.
“That’s the great thing about British TV. The seasons are shorter and they give you closure”
Yeah, Brita … because we all know how well Abed deals with things coming to an end. (Which show was he mourning again? Given last season, I’m guessing it was that awful Cape show). He’s going to be just as depressed when the in-universe equivalent of David Tennant quits.
PS: The American Office is better than the British one.