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Cookie McCool said on November 9th, 2011 at 12:23 pm

Oysters are icky. That shell is Nature’s way of saying, “This does not belong in your mouth.”

Copernicus said on November 9th, 2011 at 12:37 pm

An examination of the various cliffhangers in the new DC comic books. Every issue has a dramatic ending or cliffhanger or image, with about half of them ignoring it for the next issue.


A lot of the hardcore Doctor Strange fans are calling foul on the Defenders preview that shows Strange hooking up with a grad student due to existential angst. The fans argue this is beneath someone who’s more or less immortal and has beaten death in a very literal sense. Furthermore, Fraction’s take on Strange seems to be one that’s a little more amoral, more detached from everyday existence. What’s your take on all this, or is it too early to start judging as the book’s not even out till December?


More Dr. Strange and The Legion!


I would like to see more of your re-scripted comic stuff. Honestly, that is how I found out about you in the first place. I kept seeing various things authored by mightygodking and one day I finally did a google search for your handle and it brought me here. Your handling of those is brilliant; you have fantastic comedic chops.

Edgar Allan Poe said on November 9th, 2011 at 1:30 pm

What non-powered supporting character in superhero comics do you think would make the best protagonist in their own narrative?


An essay on Spider-Man or maybe Doctor Doom a la your ones on Superman and Lex Luthor. Or just a similar look at another DC or Marvel hero that’s interesting to talk about, I suppose.


A while ago, post Toronto G20, you wrote an insightful piece on street protest and how it seemed to have reached a dead end. Interesting to hear if your views on that have changed post-Arab Spring, major European demos, Occupy, etc etc?


Something anti-Gambit?

…I’ll come back if I come up with something more useful (although that would so get clicks)


Did you ever get back your wok? And what do you use a wok for?


A review of Boom! Studios’ Disney Afternoon comics, or reviews of DA cartoons.


How do you feel about race and how its represented in comics and their subsequent film adaptations?

Ex. Tom Hardy being cast as Bane, a character who’s always been hinted as being at least half-Hispanic.

Cuitlamiztli Carter said on November 9th, 2011 at 3:07 pm

I suspect your answer to why you love the Legion of Superheroes so much may boil down to “Because it’s great fun” (which is a valid reason for comics). That said, I’m really curious if your affection for them is a “Rex the Wonder Dog” gimmick or a true appreciation of and support for the concept. In other words (or related words), what do you think of the assertion that the concept has reached a “must change or die” point?

I’ve never met, in an offline context, a comic book fan who actually liked the Legion. I know they’re out there, this site demonstrates that, but in conversations I’ve had, the Legion is cited as an example of a ridiculously-dated concept.

Rationales include the fact that characters come from planets where their powers are commonplace (so anyone could fill their role), that their names and powers are often goofy, and their vision of humanity in the future (white, white, white) is grossly out of step with most sci-fi today.

So what is it about the Legion of Superheroes that makes the Internet’s best comic blogger such a devoted fan?

Gareth Wilson said on November 9th, 2011 at 3:13 pm

I’d be interested in your thoughts on space travel TV shows. There’s plenty of science fiction on TV at the moment, but absolutely nothing set on a spaceship. Why not?


More Flapjacks!

(I seriously laugh myself sick at the conversations the two of you have.)


I vote for what I always vote for:

Three. Studio. Executives.

Pantsless Pete said on November 9th, 2011 at 3:21 pm

An explanation of how Betty Brant doesn’t come off as creepy in early issues of Spider-man by being a woman in, using the bare minimum of her completing high school and secretarial school, her early twenties hitting on a weird looking seventeen year old.


I am going to be entirely outvoted on this, but I could use a clear explanation of Canadian government and politics (e.g. where do all the parties stand on various issues, how you have so many parties to begin with, why is the Queen of England still on money, WTF is the deal with the “B.C. Liberals,” etc.) I just moved here (from the states) and am still trying to figure this shit out.

Also the red flowers that everyone started wearing. That’s for Remembrance day? Which is like Memorial day, but wearing the flower doesn’t put you in the same bag as the “Support our troops BY BOMBING THE BROWN PEOPLE” ribbon-wearers in the states?



Remembrance Day isn’t just about supporting the troops currently in the line of duty, but about remembering the ordeals of previous generations of soldiers. If you haven’t read ‘In Flander’s Fields’, that will help explain the context of the poppies.


I’m in the same boat as Thryn – being an import to Canada. I second Thryn’s request.

Arthur Robinson said on November 9th, 2011 at 4:09 pm

What are your thoughts on podcasting? Like what do you think of the medium? What are your favorite shows? And would you ever start your own?

The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on November 9th, 2011 at 4:18 pm

I’m Canadian but I always enjoy your rants on Canadian politics, so by all means do more of that. And insulting Rob Ford is always good. 🙂

I forget, have you done a Community alignment chart yet?

SilverHammerMan said on November 9th, 2011 at 4:25 pm

I’d like to see something about your thoughts on the rebooted Green Arrow, I’ve been thinking a lot about the character lately and I wonder what your think.
Personally I might it crazy that they rebooted the character to BEFORE he was interesting and was just a Batman rip-off. The liberal crusader is way cooler.


What about something on clams or mussels?


More Who’s Who, more commentary on comics in general. I love it when you analyze a particular character. Since Who’s Who is only DC, maybe a companion feature for Marvel?


What are your thoughts on the whole Oracle vs Batgirl thing?

The Crazed Spruce said on November 9th, 2011 at 6:03 pm

Frankly, considering how you constantly ripped Rob Ford a new one during the Toronto elections, I’m surprised you didn’t post anything about his insane overreaction to Marg Delahunty a few weeks back. (You ask me, he’s making Mel Lastman look like a post-9/11 Rudy Guliani.)

You should definitely do more “If I Wrote…” articles. (In fact, I’m in the process of putting together an “If I Wrote Dial ‘H’ for Hero” article for my LiveJournal page, due in no small part to your inspiration.) More “Who’s Who” articles, too. (As well as a few “Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe” ones, too.)

And hey, in honour of Remembrance Day (and I agree, you really should do a piece about the significance of the poppy campaign), how about a couple of M*A*S*H motivators? I’m thinking one for the early (Burns/Trapper/Blake) seasons and another for the later (Winchester/B.J./Potter) ones. (I’ve even done up a list for each, if you’re interested. Sure, I had to use the unseen P.A. announcer for “Lawful Neutral” in the early one, but still….)


Is the Mandarin the evil Green Lantern? What do the parallels and differences say about Marvel and DC?

How does a cold climate vs. a hot climate affect a city/ culture/ person?

How do you fix the patent system so that it encourages innovation?

Why, out of all the beautiful women in Hollywood, does Alison Brie get so much attention, especially on the internet? (I love her too, but I’m kind of curious.)

What kitchen products and foods/ drinks are worth spending a little more on, and what are a waste of money?


I’d love for you to give your take on the upcoming new Defenders ongoing from Marvel and whether or not you think the team (of Defenders, not creative team) will work.


Something about the value of art in mainstream comics, the reason why Jack Kirby, while great, isn’t the be-all end-all of comics forever, or some kind of rundown of the Republican candidates.


A revisit of the theme of Magic: The Gathering cards based on current affairs, particularly U.S. national politics. I wouldn’t mind a Canadian version, though. I could always look up the people featured.

Wolfthomas said on November 9th, 2011 at 7:57 pm

More Alignment Charts!

Something to reconcile Marvel’s sliding timescale where there’s a small difference in actual age between groups like the New Mutants, New Warriors, Runaways, Young Allies/Avengers Academy but a lot in actual time.

A big overview of the best part and worst parts of Marvel’s renewed Cosmic setting, Annihilation to Thanos Imperative.

Rate the Lanterns from best to worst in character design and concept behind them.

Why Superman’s disguise as Clark Kent does work.


Who’s Who entries for Hal Jordan and Hawkman. It’s been a running theme here that you do not think highly of these characters (which many readers here–including myself–appear to agree with). But I’d like you to convey all your issues with them in one sustained and inevitably hilarious screed.

Mitchell Hundred said on November 9th, 2011 at 8:35 pm

What did you think of ‘A Dance With Dragons’ (assuming you’ve finished it)?

Also, there are all these HTML tags listed at the bottom of the screen which are permitted for use. I assume that this is how one creates hypertext and other such things, but am not tech-savvy enough to know how to use them. Is there a website/book which can fill me in on this information?

bunnyofdoom said on November 9th, 2011 at 9:50 pm

Maybe an analysis of the 8 candidates for the NDP leadership/

Mitchell Hundred said on November 9th, 2011 at 10:28 pm

“WTF is the deal with the ‘B.C. Liberals’ ”


The current B.C. Liberal Party is composed of a coalition between conservative-minded and more centrist politicians. If this were the federal level of politics, their members would probably belong to the federal Liberal and Conservative parties, but the provincial Liberal party serves as the sort of catch-all for that range of politicians (excepting the more extreme right, which is served by the fringe B.C. Conservative Party). My guess is that they formed this alliance to avoid centrist/centre-right vote-splitting. In any case, as a result the current B.C. Liberals have a base that leans much more to the right than their federal counterparts (who are themselves centrist, not liberal), and shape policies accordingly.


Was the comics industry in the 90s as creative as it seems (gold covers not withstanding), or is that my selective memory? And how does it compare to the current market?

I’m thinking mostly of the independant market here.


Played any interesting new boardgames lately? Alternately, any new hobbies or TV/comic/etc. series you’ve yet to write about here?

Wolfthomas said on November 9th, 2011 at 11:00 pm

Anything about the Wire.


Anything regarding Dr. Who. Literally anything, I’m jonesing for some Who now that series 6 is over.

MarvinAndroid said on November 9th, 2011 at 11:27 pm

Review Snuff.


Read the Malazan Book of the Fallen already (and at least make it through Book 3 as the quality ramps up intensely as it goes. The thing is an INVESTMENT for your soul).


Is there a place for super pets in the 21st century?

Cespinarve said on November 10th, 2011 at 4:07 am


The Queen of England is not on our money, the Queen of Canada is on our money. That the Queen of Canada happens to exist in the same body as the Queen of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and other countries is a long and interesting discussion that, despite my love of MGK, I would rather not see an article on largely because of how much I disagree with MGK’s views on monarchy, although I think we can all agree that Edward VIII was a terrible fascist prick.

The Crazed Spruce said on November 10th, 2011 at 9:47 am

What fantasy books would you recommend for a person who likes fantasy movies and television, but never really got into fantasy novels? (Basically, I’m looking for a good entry-level book, where you don’t need a lot of backstory or foreknowledge of the particular nuances of the realm the book takes place in, in order to enjoy it.)



Magic: The Gathering – Toronto City Council.

MonkeyWithTypewriter said on November 10th, 2011 at 9:55 am

More Who’s who, mostly. Do some Marvel ones, maybe?


As someone who grew up on ANimzalympics, I enjoyed you and Flapjack MST3k-ing that movie. Could you guys do more of those for other animated films?

Also, since you do the running joke of Doom collecting My Little Ponies, something covering the new series would be awesome!

Jason Barnett said on November 10th, 2011 at 6:08 pm

I’d also like more Who’s Who. Maybe some comparison to the modern versions of the characters while you’re at it.


You make mention often of table top RPG’s, if you still play them, what ones and why? What are the ones that appeal most to you, and which the least?


Let’s pretend that DC doesn’t own the copyright for Rex the Wonderdog and write/draw his continuing adventures.


Speaking as an ex-staff member at multiple SF/F specialist bookstores I still love being asked this sort of question. (And it’s easier for Fantasy than SF.)

For a really good first step into the world of (epic) Fantasy novels, I strongly recommend either The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon or the trilogy starting with Magician by Raymond Feist. Both are excellent books in their own right, by excellent authors, and both are the starting points for fantasy worlds that have since gone on to be expanded upon by the authors.

You could also try starting with the Belgariad series by David Eddings. Although it can seem somewhat dated now, to a large extent this is due to the Belgariad being there first and inspiring so many others to follow in it’s footsteps.


Gah, HTMLfail again. *facepalm*


The rest of “Grading Every National Anthem.”

EndOfTheWorld said on November 11th, 2011 at 7:49 am

Alignment charts out the ass! Breaking Bad, Golden Girls, Television Cops, whatever! I need my fictional characters carefully delineated into moral categories as envisioned by Dungeons and Dragons.

I need this because of reasons.

The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on November 11th, 2011 at 11:58 am

–Why aren’t the X-Men furiously working to splice Wolverine’s self-healing gene into the DNA of all the other X-Men? And hey, why not give everybody phasing powers and ability to turn to steel and telepathy and…

–Your opinion of my personal theory that The Mentalist is, in fact, a future regeneration of Dr. Who that has decided to travel to 2000s America and hang out with the CBI, much the same way that the Third Doctor did with Unit. (Even has some of the same tropes… clunky car, nice suit, fondness for tea)


The parody comics were pretty great.


@The Crazed Spruce, re the M*A*S*H alignment chart, I’m thinking:

Lawful good – Colonel Potter
Lawful neutral – Radar O’Reilly
Lawful evil – Hot Lips Hoolihan
Neutral good – Father Mulcahy
True neutral – BJ Hunnicutt
Neutral evil – Major Burns
Chaotic good – Hawkeye Pierce
Chaotic neutral – Corporal Klinger
Chaotic evil – Colonel Flagg

I’d make this myself but I’m no good at making charts and I’m not a huge D&D nerd.


Why do you think recent Marvel movies do so much better than recent DC movies, both critically and financially (Batman notwithstanding)? I’m of course including stuff from outside the main universes of both companies, like Kick-Ass, V for Vendetta, The Losers, etc.


more board games analysis

The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on November 14th, 2011 at 9:12 am

Board games yes please!!

Also could you please make mockup “7 Wonders” players’ boards for the 7 Wonders of the Fictional Sci-Fi World? You know, like The Monolith, Discworld, The Foundation, The Matrix…

Okay, now I am wondering “what should be the 7 Wonders of the SF World?” As in what seven manufactured structures from SF would make the cut, if they actually existed.


What are your thoughts on Aaron Diaz’s reboots of the DC Universe?

Justice League: http://dresdencodak.tumblr.com/post/10979241054/rebooting-the-justice-league

Legion of Doom: http://dresdencodak.tumblr.com/post/11174072014/rebooting-dcs-villains

Bat-Family: http://dresdencodak.tumblr.com/post/11344418364/rebooting-batman

Also, in my dreams, a collaboration between you two, because that would be awesome. But if not, at least your thoughts. Seems to be right up your alley.


Have you ever received a death threat/threat of harm?


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