Now that Mitt Romney is the Republicanc candidate for president in all but name, the nation turns to consider his nominee for Vice-President. Who should fill the role? There are, of course, many possibilities.

Senator Marco Rubio
– Shores up the conservative base
– Extremely telegenic
– Guarantees that at least a half-dozen Hispanic people will vote for Mitt Romney
– Problematic backstory
– Far-right positions potentially alienating to centrists
– Does not appear to, like, know a lot of things

Representative Paul Ryan
– Young and energetic
– Beloved by media types who enjoy that he makes right-wing economic theory seem reasonable and practical in a Mr. Rogers Repossesses Your House sort of way
– Really good at holding up charts, graphs, or anything made of paper
– Kind of emphasizes how rich Mitt Romney really is
– Gets pissy whenever anybody points out that his budget plan will make poor people eat dog food even though dog food these days is healthy and good for you
– Two words: death stare

Rick Santorum
– Is white and male, which helps with white male people and also people who like sweater-vests
– Would really piss off Dan Savage, and the base likes that
– Would give Andy Samberg many more opportunities to work on his lousy Santorum impression
– Unpopular in his home state of Pennsylvania
– Religious extremism is kind of creepy
– Is a giant fucking asshole

Kcarab Amabo, The Mirror Universe Barack Obama
– Combines Barack Obama’s charisma with the soul-destroying ruthless drive for power necessary to thrive in the modern GOP
– Proven track record of leadership in the Mirror Universe, which still totally exists and has not collapsed into a singularity due to Presidential science experiments that went against God Himself
– Has memorized all of the Evil Overlord List and in fact has added entries of his own, mostly about singularities
– Birth certificate may lead some to believe he is actually Yrrab Oreteos, a citizen of Aisenodni, rather than a full-blooded Nacirema
– All the backwards spelling will eventually get on people’s nerves
– You don’t want to put someone more talented than you in the #2 spot, Mitt Romney, even if he is evil and ambitious
– Horrifying fascination with gravitational anomalies

A Sexy Pirate
– Sexy
– So sexy
– Women voters will love the sexy
– Pirates so 2005
– Constantly calling the US Armed Forces “the ARRRRRRmy” will get old real fast
– Will suggest to corporate America a lack of concern over intellectual property rights

Jason Sudeikis
– Would stop Jason Sudeikis from impersonating Mitt Romney
– Much more charming than Mitt Romney
– Captures vital “people who still think Saturday Night Live is cool” demographic
– Hollywood elite
– Sudeikis’ Romney impersonation more likeable than Mitt Romney and its loss may hurt the campaign
– Will hurt Romney with those sectors of the Republican base who hate laughter when it is not directed at minorities

Pope Benedict XVI
– Puts the whole “Mormon issue” to rest and provides the campaign a clear answer re: separation of church and state
– Catholics will be told to vote Romney/Benedict or be cast into the pits of Hell
– Mitt likes eating fish on Friday already anyhow
– Really old – like, “stinky” old
– Likely to cause a religious war of some kind
– Jedi will rise up to support Barack Obama in the general election and the Stormtroopers are not yet ready

A Giant Novelty Can of Tab
– Increases Romney’s appeal to 40something women
– Who could have a problem with Tab?
– No calories!
– Kind of out of date
– Nobody really likes Tab
– Pink can problematic in the Deep South

– Kind of awesome even though he is killing music as we know it
– Impeccable dresser, will lend sense of style to the campaign
– Wobbly techno-voice could subliminally reassure people who think Romney is already inclined to be shaky on the issues by making wobbliness cool
– Well, he’s black, for a start
– Association with “hippity-hop” music problematic with GOP base, who only like that sort of music when it is performed ironically by white suburban guys talking about the Founding Fathers
– Mitt Romney will not be able to tell the difference between him and Will.I.Am

One Of The Ponies From My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
– Guarantees “brony” vote
– Appeal to younger voters hits Obama in key demographic
– Was cool about a year ago, which for a Republican campaign is amazingly up-to-date
– “Brony” vote outnumbered by “we hate bronies” vote
– Republicans traditionally terrified of bright colours
– Seriously, which one is that? We can never remember

An Oil Tanker
– Is very, very big and will impress voters
– Gets all the subtext out of the way
– Like, all of it
– Leaky
– May explode
– Sort of a “high risk, high reward” candidate

Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford
– Is white and male and fat and very conservative – he’s like a less-moderate Chris Christie!
– Anti-elitist in all the ways that Republicans like
– Complete disregard for “facts” will work well in debates when his claims of things that are obviously and wildly untrue will confound Joe Biden
– None at all
– Seriously
– Please, take him

A Woman
– Shows that the campaign is open to modern thinking
– May help the campaign win back female voters alienated by the GOP’s track record on, well, everything
– Probably will smell better than Mitt Romney
– Could potentially wear immodest clothing
– Republicans already tried this once and it didn’t so much work that time
– Might get all the other women jealous, because you know how women are, am I right, fellows?

A Clone of Mitt Romney Grown In A Vat
– Allows Mitt Romney to take wildly differing positions on any issue simultaneously
– Means that there are two of Mitt Romney
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45 users responded in this post
Choosing a Pony for his running mate would guarantee that i the unlikely chance he won, Romney would almost instantly be assassinated by one or more bronies determined to see a magical cartoon horse as president of the US.
I’ll leave it up to the audience to decide where that falls on the pro/con scale.
Having read this, I now know 100% more about American politics.
Santorum is the worst kind of conservative. He’s an evil and twisted version of Stephen Colbert’s parody of Republicans. He’s just an awful human being. The fact that he got as far as he did is frankly somewhat embarrassing for Americans.
Why does Romney need billions more dollars to beat these bozos? Half of his spending should be going to Santorum and Newt to keep them in the race. The best thing Romney’s got going for him is so he can stand next to those two and give the “get a load of THIS GUY” face.
That pony is Rainbow Dash, by the way.
Yeah, I mean there’s no way he’s choosing the alleged closet lesbian. If anything he’ll pick Applejack for her success as a business owner and “job provider.”
Plus she’ll be the closest option to providing Southern demographic appeal. Actually, I wonder what defines “flyover country” in Equestria, given than a third of the entire population actually lives in clouds.
That was much fun, especially the “cons” of him choosing Blob Ford! …because they are 100% accurate! It’s true, Mitt, there is no downside! (heh, heh) 🙂
SHAME ! MGK ! SHAME ON YOU ! None of these guys were selected ! SHAME !
I really hope he doesn’t pick Tab as a running mate, because I might not be able to resist its healthy goodness.
…and the push to remove the post of Vice President altogether gains more traction.
We can always re-write the Constitution to get someone else to cast the tie-breaker vote in the Senate AND protect the spacetime continuum.
So, I ran into someone visiting from Toronto this weekend, & thanks to MGK, we had a great conversation that started with my, “wow, Rob Ford really does suck, amirite?”
I think the most impressive thing about this list is that you managed to choose fourteen candidates with more intelligence and charm than the current vice president.
Rainbow Dash would not have anything to do with Romney. She personifies the element of Loyalty, and Romney can’t be loyal to any issue for more than five seconds.
If anypony would run with Romney it would be Rarity. She’d do it just for the chance to make Mormon undergarment design more fabulous.
Well if he went with a Pony, he would certainly get backing from Latveria, which could be really useful. American Crossroads may have gobs and gobs of money, but you know what it doesn’t have? A time travel platform. Think about it.
Picking your VP is like picking what color to paint your bedroom. You want something you look good in comparison to but aren’t turned off by.
Therefor, Romney should put the color Red on the ticket, then paint his bedroom Paul Ryan.
What if he chose Mirror Universe Abed?
Oprah Winfrey. Think about it.
I’ll admit, I would totally vote for Romney/Dash.
I hope for Romney/Santorum against Obama/Biden. It would end the Republicans.
Allows Mitt Romney to take wildly differing positions on any issue simultaneously
Mitt Romney already has that ability, so you’ll have to come up with some other PRO for this one.
Kcarab Amabo is more palatable than Santorum, at the very least. You don’t successfully develop man-portable singularity cannons without top-notch science education.
Is Romney a Sith himself? He seems to be trying a Force choke there.
Hey, some of us know Jason Sudekis from 30 Rock, mister big smart blogger man.
Samberg’s Santorum voice is really similar to his Nicolas Cage “Get in the Cage” voice, which makes me think Samberg-as-Cage would be an excellent VP pick. Altrnately, Samberg-as-Mark-Wahlberg.
Argh, thank god I am not an American. The vote for Rainbow Dash would be so hard not to do automatically. Oh, and as a brony, I am pretty sure the “completely apathetic towards/ignorant of bronies” vote waaaay outweighs the “I hate bronies” vote, a small, very vocal minority that really, really, reallllly needs to do something better with their time than run around shouting “I hate people who like My Little Pony,” an argument that just screams First World Problems. Hating people who like cartoon shows reeks of a damaged mind that should know that hate is valuable, and that hate should be saved for more worthy targets: dictators, Rob Ford, lint, stickers on fruit, the fact that easter candy is three times as sweet than when I was young – you know, things that actually cause you problems.
I wonder if there is a correlation between Rob Ford and how sweet milk chocolate is nowadays.
It’s a not quite hilarious but still slightly amusing that the pony you picked happens to have a lot of fannon portraying her as a lesbian.
My dad likes TAB! Fortunately, he’s not American so he can’t be lured into voting for it.
As much as I loathe Dan Savage, I’m not sure I can back Santorum. Could we get a muslim or a woman to piss him off instead?
Kcarab Amabo/Lex Luthor 2012!
Optimus Prime/Princess Celestia 2012!
@JoshR: I agree Prime would be good as POTUS, but I’d prefer to see Luna as his VP.
I’ve never heard of Jason Sudeikis before, and when I saw the picture, I thought it was a bad picture of Adam Baldwin. Who is indeed an avowed conservative. Hmmm.
– Excellent sniper
– A veteran of, like, everything
– Not a Washington insider
– Smokes
– Distressing tendency to get tied up, beat up, or otherwise imperiled by waifish women
– Technically a Democrat
Romney absolutely cannot choose Mirror Universe Abed, or any other Community character, otherwise I would feel required to vote for them. I’m pretty sure I’d have to turn in my vagina if I did and I’m pretty attached to it.
Except for Pierce Hawthorne. He can have Pierce Hawthorne, but Fat Neil is right out!
I have a hard time imagining Romney being comfortable with Mirror Universe Obama, because that guy would be too liberal for him. Mirror universe Obama would, after all, have:
-Not expanded offshore drilling;
-Not extended the Patriot Act;
-Worked to prosecute the people who practiced “enhanced interrogation” rather than giving them a free pass;
-Fought tooth and nail against the indefinite detention bill, rather than finally promising not to veto it and signing it into law while saying “Hey, I’m signing this into law, but my administration totally won’t do this even though I’m making it all legal, cross my heart and hope to die”;
-Not blocked the Palestinian bid for statehood, thus allowing Palestinians to maybe get a fair shake for once;
-Not ordered the execution of an American citizen outside the borders of the United States without a trial, regardless of what that person had done;
-Stopped using warrantless wiretaps;
-Not extended the Bush tax cuts;
-Not be willing to bomb Iran or support another power doing so without concrete proof that Iran was definitely developing nukes and was definitely planning to use them.
Mitt Romney and whoever he picks as his running mate would, of course, do everything wrong that our universe’s Barack Obama has done wrong plus a whole shitload of other terrible things (all kinds of deregulation, bringing back DADT, getting rid of anything that even comes close to universal healthcare, probably wanting to bomb Iran RIGHT NOW, etc), so I’m certainly not encouraging anybody to vote for that ticket. I am saying that this is an election where, if you vote, you’re not choosing between a conservative and a liberal. You’re choosing between a conservative and a right-leaning centrist.
Pantsless Pete: You’re thinking of Michael Savage, talk radio shitbird. Dan Savage is a sex columnist.
He should definitely choose T-Pain.
Additional pro: “I’m on a boat, mutherf**ker” can be easily amended to “I want your vote, mutherf**ker”
Is Alternate Universe Obama allowed into Earth Prime Mormon Heaven?
There is someone who, as a VP candidate will surely lead to a GOP victory: Purple Tentacle.
So when you say women you mean Adrian Brody in a blonde wig?
I like the way Amabo thinks!
As always, my choice for VP is “a kitty”. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to waste my time voting for a Dem or a Pub anyway, so why the hell would I care who they choose?
@Remus: Rarity is the Element of Generosity, and we know where the Republicans stand on that kind of thing.
The choice for them would be Pinkie Pie, because like them, Pinkie puts the party before any other consideration.
[…] across this pictorial display of possible running mates for the Romneytronic 3000. Best laugh I had all day. For […]
[…] across this pictorial display of possible Romneytron 3000 running mates at Mightygodking – best laugh I’ve had all day. for […]
I Can Tell From Some Of The Pixels | My Ready Room
Ran across this pictorial display of possible Romneytron 3000 running mates at Mightygodking – best laugh I’ve had all day. For example…
Added you guys to my blogroll – this is some seriously funny stuff*.
*So long as the Romneytron 3000 loses, that is.