And that is four issues in the can.
(Yes, I know we should get a proper dedicated site for this. It is on my to-do list. There is a whole other ongoing comic I want to do as well, but… there are only so many hours in the day, you see. If I ever win the lotto, though, I expect my productivity to go through the roof with respect to everything that is fun.)
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Even without a dedicated site, just having forward/back/first/last buttons in place would make an enormous difference in readability and perhaps readership. I quite liked this, but keep missing a few updates due to travel/small baby/earthquakes/etc. I managed to catch up after the first hiatus but the potential barrier is high and I’m ashamed to say I’ve just trailed off. It’s particularly painful since the storytelling is best consumed many pages at a time.
Easier yet, though a slog to create, a post that consists just of links to each full image, in order, would make the click-through a little less laborious for newcomers. Anyone with a Web site could make and maintain that, unless MGK objected.
Surely if you put out a bleg, some enterprising reader (or readers) could create and send you the raw HTML for Eric’s suggestion, which you could easily add to a post here.
This would provide a much-needed and (relatively) user-friendly way for people to read the thing.
Sufficient blegging should prompt someone to hack up a Javascript slideshow viewer, to making paging through the images pretty snappy.
Since I read one whole issue at a time, this is where I chime in to say: Hey, that was tasty. Thank you.
Is there any problem with using a host like SmackJeeves or ComicFury? I know they’re kind of cookie cutter but at least it would be easy, free, and navigable…?
Is there any problem with using a host like SmackJeeves or ComicFury?
My stuff goes on my servers. I learned the hard way about being reliant on other people’s servers with LiveJournal and I am not repeating the experience. Period.