So, the King William’s College Quiz has come and gone another year, and as always, I was barely able to answer anything, but then again the real point of the Quiz is to go on a knowledge scavenger hunt. And it seems a shame that there is only one per year. So here is a – doubtless easier – quiz of similar mindset. And I know it is easier, because this Quiz is expressly nerd-themed, if you will. Cooperation and collaboration are, of course, encouraged. Googling is not, because come on, it’s not like you win a prize for this.
a. Which being created clues throughout space and time to ensure their own creation?
b. Who saved at least one President and possibly many more?
c. Who leads a conglomerate of villains much admired by doctors?
d. Who possesses numerous toys to compensate for their illiteracy?
e. Who pretended to each be the other in order to gain an informant’s trust?
f. When did a hunter suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder?
g. Who felt they should have been born female due to their extreme beauty?
h. Who dreams of helping to scrub space whales?
i. Which New Jersey food products are thirty-two ounces of in your face?
a. Which alien was sentenced to spend time with cavemen as punishment for inventing a doomsday machine?
b. Which rich businessman detonated his livelihood to pursue a dream of performance?
c. Who bled so greatly that he inadvertently invented a unit of measurement for it?
d. What concept requires one to be a navigator across millions of worlds, all with too much of one and not enough of the other?
e. What is it called when elders from every stedding meet to discuss and deliberate?
f. Who shackled the chosen one to the stone of triumph?
g. The mightiest of what race had a wingspan of over thirty fathoms?
h. What would a newspaperman utter when startled?
i. What was dedicated to fifty dead men?
a. Who was trapped by her brother within a diamond-hard prison?
b. Where may you control the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Senator and the Tax Man?
c. Who gave his people hope in the face of a dying star?
d. Who rose to prominence from criminal beginnings after the success of their own brand of energy drink?
e. Who were taught German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Gaelic, and French by their mother, and used it in their quest for justice?
f. What did Victor cry out on the sixteenth day?
g. Who spoke to the audience at the beginning of every episode?
h. Who created a group of assassins and named them after the angel of death?
i. Who ended up having boat drinks thanks to the actions of a man with a plan?
a. Whose return led to a magical renaissance in England?
b. Which exhibitor suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta?
c. What requires you to look into the Eye of Eternity?
d. Who was responsible for introducing people to a life of thievery?
e. In what work did four gunslingers arrive at Topeka?
f. What commences with a story about Kanubai?
g. What is said to be effective against the walkers from the north?
h. What was the most important aspect of Castalian social life?
i. What 70-ton machine was designed expressly to counter the threat of invading clans?
a. What film was a coming-out party for a dead man named Smedley?
b. Which social butterfly found themselves forced into a difficult situation involving a super-suit?
c. Who alternated twice between being a man, and being not a man?
d. What killed the Norwegians first?
e. Who caused a man to find himself traveling through time, due to an anomaly which never existed?
f. From where do you return to find the hot supper your mother made waiting for you?
g. Whose secret rings of power were only known to his best friend’s little sister?
h. Who played a convict on death row who was able to escape his sentence thanks to an extremely unusual medical procedure?
i. What was the name of the Znutar‘s mascot?
a. What was the ultimate goal of the research centre in Sprodj?
b. Who refused to wait for Eliza?
c. Who went to Las Vegas and returned alive?
d. Who befriended and managed a collection of curious oddities?
e. What was the last act of Circadia Senius before he was killed?
f. Who pursued two hunters through Heaven to satisfy his own agenda?
g. What company specializes in the construction of artificial memories for the dying?
h. Who created the hit TV show “Legends of the Khonshu”?
i. Who always had trouble finding work due to a problematic medical condition that was largely his father’s fault?
a. What adventurer found that her secrets were preventing her from speaking clearly?
b. Which ship was both the largest traditional capital warship ever when it was built, and an expression of tyrannical might?
c. Whose would-be nemesis wished to raise their son as his enemy?
d. Who did not recognize his sentient ship when she took human form?
e. In the foretellings of a dead god, what was the instrument of prophecy to contain within her flesh?
f. Who was eventually revealed to be an angel, even though she denied it fiercely?
g. Who swore to fight the Instrumentality for as long as he lived?
h. Who eventually became the immortal ruler of her husband’s kingdom?
i. Which ship cannabalized the fleet it was guarding for supplies?
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86 users responded in this post
I know these:
1F – Katniss Everdeen
2H – “Great Caesar’s Ghost!” or “PAAAAARKER!” are both acceptable IMO
4E – They followed the Beam, on the path to the Dark Tower
4G – Fire, obsidian, and Valyrian steel
7A – Haley Starshine
7I – Battlestar Pegasus
I’m prety sure of these:
2D – Guild naviagor from Dune?
3D – Alpa Chino from Tropic Thunder?
3G – Rod Sterling?
5H – Sounds a lot like Luke Cage but I don’t think anyone’s ever played him
6H – Seems like it has to be Moon Knight but I’m guessing
7G – Instrumentality is an Eva thing, isn’t it? But I don’t recall Shinji ever doing that
5F – Where the Wild Things Are
7D – The Doctor
7I – The Battlestar Pegasus
1.a. Doctor Who (“The Big Bang”)
1.b. Doctor Who (Nixon most recently)
1.f. Doctor Who (“Dalek”)
1.h. Doctor Who (the one with the space whales)
4.a. Doctor Who
4.d. a few thousand characters
5.d. The Thing
5.e. Doctor Who (re: Captain Jack)
6.c. Wesley, Cordelia, and Gunn (Angel was already undead)
6.d. Doctor Who
7.c. Angel
7.d. Doctor Who
7.f. Starbuck
7.g. Dreadstar
4a sounds like John Uskglass.
1A – Bad Wolf
2F – the Stonecutters
7E – the Heart of Mantorok
7C sounds like it could be Darkseid
Oh wait, somebody else got 7I already.
Okay then, 4E – Wizard and Glass.
1B is pretty open-ended… I can think of tons of characters that fit, from Cpt. America to Snake Plissken to Jack Ryan to Superman…
7C is a classic gambit. First one I thought of was Holtz from “Angel” but that can’t be the only example.
4D — Fagan?
Is 3C Kal-El/Superman? That’s the only person I can think of, but it seems kind of obvious.
3G is Zack Morris; 4A, Jonathan Strange.
3e Boondock Saints
4b Samuel Jackson from Unbreakable
6i Applies to Movie Bruce Banner
7a Haley from OOTS
Ugh, sorry, missed “return” there. Yeah, John Uskglass is properly on the mark.
2B is Ozymandias
5B is Tony Stark, maybe?
5H sounds like it could be Bane, although he wasn’t on Death Row when Tom Hardy played him. What about the portrayal of him in that other Batman movie (which I haven’t seen)?
5H — Absorbing Man? I think there’s at least 2 or 3 Marvel villains with that origin.
3C — God, in that short story by Arthur C Clarke, the title of which I cannot recall
I hope that 5G is Thanos.
6I is Luke Skywalker because in the New Republic society discriminated against people with robotic hands. It’s in the novels!
That would be “The Star”, but it doesn’t ring quite right to me. The question seems to imply that the dying star is the thing regarding which the people are given hope, which hardly fits the story.
7C How about Catman from Secret Six? Didn’t he have a kid with the poison lady, and she wanted him to be a villain?
3C could be Saint Walker from the Green Lantern comics. (He gave his family some hope, but they wound up dead anyway.)
I forget her name, but 7H sounds like the star from the Neil Gaiman novel Stardust.
And 3C could be Jor-El, if it’s not Kal-El. I’m just spitballing here.
1E is Nicolas Cage and John Travolta in Face/Off?
5i : The crew of the Znutar were devoured by the Awful Green Things from Outer Space before they could give the blue, three-eyed bird they found an actual name beyond simply “Mascot” (?)
6a : To build a nuclear-powered rocket for a manned mission to the Moon. Notable because it would mean Syldavia would beat both the Western Powers and the Soviet Bloc (?)
Reading the question again, is it that a people are faced with a dying star, thus losing hope, and then someone gives them hope?
Earlier I read it as “these people need hope, I will provide that hope, by way of a dying star’s face” which, why would I do that.
The question fits one character’s motivation, but not the other’s, though.
I bet Superman/Batman have done it. “You can trust me Penguin, I just shot Batman! (Except that was Superman in disguise, and I am really Batman!)”
6I — Jack of Hearts
6I — Frankenstein’s Monster
i think people are missing something here – the KWC quiz always does its questions in categories because each category has a theme. that’s how you figure out the more difficult and/or vague questions – you figure out the theme first from the other ones in the category.
like, I think #7 is “star.” Haley STARshine works for 7a (as zob pointed out) and i think mitchell got it right with respect to Stardust for 7h.
In that case, maybe 1C is Bad Horse.
2c – The Great Muta
1g – Johnny B. Badd
2B: Gonzo the Great (“The Muppets”)
5B: Honey (“The Incredibles”)
5I: The Znutar’s mascot was The Ook.
7C: Jack Knight (“Starman”)
Which also backs up Vanth Dreadstar for 7G and Starbuck for 7F, as well as Battlestar Pegasus (Galactica?) for 7I… but would there be two BSG questions?
2B – Gonzo the Great (as per Gary)
2H – Great Caesar’s Ghost
I think Slappy is on to something.
1i is Evan Dorkin’s Milk and Cheese
1A – Bad Wolf
1C – Bad Horse
I’m thinking 1 = “Bad”
…Dairy Products Gone BAD.
4A – John Uskglass
4B – Mr. Glass
3C = Saint Walker
3E = Boondock Saints
3G = The Saint
5D = The Thing
5F = Where the Wild Things Are
6A = to reach the Moon
6H = Moon Knight
6 = MOON
Okay, by cobbling together everyone’s guesses and slappy’s insight into the categories, I’m going with:
1 – BAD
6 – MOON
7 – STAR
also, 4B is specifically Mr. Glass, so “glass” seems to be the theme there.
3G – Rod Serling
4I – Is a Battle Mech from Mechwarrior/Battletech universe, but I can’t figure out which one.
7B – HMS Dreadnought
7G – refers to a “Cordwainer Smith” written story, though again not sure which one. His writing is firmly recommended for you all to read.
7A – Haley STARshine
7B –
7C – STARman (Jack Knight)
7D –
7E –
7F – STARbuck
7G – Vanth DreadSTAR
7H – STARdust
7I – BattleSTAR Pegasus/Galactica
Is there any way 7B is a Star Destroyer?
4A – John UskGLASS
4B – Mr. GLASS
4E – Wizard and GLASS
6C is Tom Moon from the Stand
6E is launched a gravity generator to replace the destroyed moon.
1A – BAD Wolf
1B –
1C – BAD Horse
1D –
1E –
1F –
1G – Johnny B. BAD
1H –
1I – Milk & Cheese: Dairy Products gone BAD
Not Tom Moon, but Tom “M-o-o-n” Cullen
1E is Wil Smith and Martin Lawrence from the first Bad Boys
5C – Swamp Thing?
7C has got to be Syndrome, from the Incredibles.
I was uncertain before about 7B—the language of the question seemed like a quotation—but looks like 7’s theme confirms the Death STAR.
Switchnode: Or a Super STAR Destroyer. Death Star was more of a space station.
1B: Bad Dudes?
6D – Luna Vachon
Now that the themes are figured out, this is somewhat simpler.
1H: Strong Bad.
2A: The Great Gazoo.
2E: “Great Stump”, from “A Wheel of Time”
2F: From the episode, “Homer The Great”
2G: Tolkien’s Great Eagles.
2I: “The Great Escape”.
3B: “Saint Petersburg”, a card game.
4F: The “Darkglass Mountain” trilogy.
4H: The Glass Bead Game, from the book of the same name.
4I: The Gallowglas-class ‘mech.
5A: “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things”
5I: The Ook and the Znutar, as noted, were from the boardgame “Awful Green Things From Outer Space” (haven’t seen that one in 25 years).
6B: Sam Bell, in “Moon”.
6F: Pretty sure this is a reference to a Supernatural episode called “Dark Side of the Moon”.
6G: The Sigmund Corp, from the videogame “To The Moon”.
3F: Monty Python’s Saint Victor cried out, “This…is fantastic! Oh…this is terrific!”, and later that the Lord was a rotten bastard.
3H: Various Batman books — The Order of St Dumas.
3I: I was trying so hard to figure out where “Things To Do in Denver When You’re Dead” fit in category 5, I completely overlooked this question. “Jimmy the Saint”.
Is 1B a bad enough dude? As in, a dude who is bad enough to rescue the President (and subsequently have a burger with him)?
I’m suprised no-one’s spotted 2H yet (“Great Ceasar’s Ghost!”) – which confirms that 2’s theme is “great”… And therefore 2C is indeed The Great Muta, and not Ric Flair like I was originally going to post. Well spotted, Cesari (Ceasar!).
Oh, and 6H is indeed Moon Knight. The TV show was was part of Bendis’s (rather frustrating) run. I wish people’d stop resetting the entire supporting cast every single time they relaunch his ongoing…
(I’m a Moon Knight and a Kane fan – I’m obviously a sucker for once-a-year abortive pushes!)
4G- Dragon Glass/obsidian
5H is The Thing With Two Heads.
5B may be Ms. Thing from the current FF series
5G is probably Benjy Grimm (“Thing rings, do your thing!”) from the 70s era Thing cartoon.
My guess for 6I is Hugo Danner from the novel Gladiator.
Do I get partial credit for at least knowing that exists?
Of course! You would get even more credit if the word “Moon” figured into it somehow (see above).
1A Bad Wolf
1B Bill and Ted?
1C Bad Horse
1F Sgt. Michael “Mike” Vronsky (Deer Hunter)
1H Strong Bad
2A The Great Gazoo!
2E A Great Stump?
2F Homer Simpson
2G The Great Eagles
2H “Great Caesar’s Ghost!”
3A Penance
3C the crew of the Icarus Two?
3F “This is fantastic!”
3G either James Kirk, Jean Juc Picard, possibly Captain Janeway but I didn’t watch that show, or Stefan Salvatore, depending on what show you watch (yeah I know you’re probably not talking about Stefan Salvatore)
3H The Order of St. Dumas
5H Castor Troy
3d is the Third Street Saints from Saints Row
If 7 is star, then 7E is just “stars” (the Malloreon–prophecy of Torak)
5H – Fred Ward played Remo Williams
Oops. No “thing” in my answer – Thing with Two Heads it is, I gess.
Collecting everybody’s answers that seem to fit the categories; apologies if I missed any.
Category 1: BAD (incomplete)
1A: Bad Wolf
1B: Bad Dudes
1C: Bad Horse
1D: ??
1E: Bad Boys
1F: ??
1G: Johnny B. Badd
1H: Strong Bad
1I: Milk & Cheese, Dairy Products Gone Bad
Category 2: GREAT (incomplete)
2A: The Great Gazoo
2B: Gonzo the Great
2C: The Great Muta
2D: ??
2E: The Great Stump
2F: The Stonecutters (“Homer the Great”)
2G: The Great Eagles
2H: Great Caesar’s Ghost!
2I: “The Great Escape”
Category 3: SAINT (complete!)
3A: Penance (family name: St Croix)
3B: The card game Saint Petersberg
3C: Saint Walker
3D: Third Street Saints
3E: Boondock Saints
3F: Saint Victor exclaimed, “This…is fantastic! Oh…this is terrific!”
3G: The Saint
3H: The Order of St Dumas
3I: Jimmy the Saint
Category 4: GLASS (incomplete)
4A: John Uskglass
4B: Mr Glass
4C: ??
4D: ??
4E: “Wizard and Glass”
4F: Darkglass Mountain trilogy
4G: Dragon glass
4H: The Glass Bead Game
4I: Gallowglas class ‘mech
Category 5: THING (incomplete)
5A: “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things”
5B: Ms Thing
5C: Swamp Thing
5D: The Thing [From Another World]
5E: ??
5F: “Where The Wild Things Are”
5G: Benjy Grimm, the Thing
5H: “The Thing With Two Heads”
5I: The Ook, aka “Dat Ook ‘Ting” (“The Awful Green Things From Outer Space”)
Category 6: MOON (incomplete)
6A: To reach the moon
6B: Sam Bell (“Moon”)
6C: Tom “m-o-o-n” Cullen
6D: Luna Vachon
6E: replace the destroyed moon
6F: ??
6G: Sigmund Corp (“To The Moon”)
6H: Moon Knight
6I: ??
Category 7: STAR (incomplete)
7A: Haley Starshine
7B: Death Star or [Super] Star Destroyer
7C: Jack Knight (“Starman”)
7D: ??
7E: Stars
7F: Starbuck
7G: Vanth Dreadstar
7H: Yvaine the fallen star (“Stardust”)
7I: Battlestar Pegasus
My best guess for 6I is Jack Russell, Werewolf by Night, but you guys kicked some major butt on this thing and I am impressed
a. Who
b. Yes he did.
c. There’s no one else in the universe that would hate him that much.
d. He’s not illiterate, he only reads his native Gallifreyan without Tardis help though.
e. I think it was #10, in that episode where there is a clone version.
f. When that hunter was a Dalek sent after the wrong Time Lord.
g. Well when he first touched reincarnated and thought he was a girl it might have been vanity, but I don’t think so.
h. Ok, well it wasn’t really a dream. He was going to scrub that space whale because he thought it was the kindest thing under the circumstances.
i. Sontarans.
you’re all barking up the wrong tree 1A is clearly Doc Scratch
How long do we have left to guess the remaining ones before answers get posted?
I’ll give it another week, I think. I know some other people elsewhere are working on the answers in teams themselves.
I suspect 7D is Jason Quill, the Starlord. Not sure about any of the rest.
7D is Peter Quill, the StarLord.
7D is Adam Quill, the Star Lord. (this is fun!)
[…] (P.S. Although still probably much easier than the real KWC Quiz, this should be much harder than last year or the year before.) […]
[…] you’re new to this, you might want to look at last year’s quiz or the 2013 or 2012 quizzes in order to get an idea (from the commenters’ working to solve them) of how these […]