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A note: Archer as a show/universe/etc. trends Chaotic Evil to begin with, so as always, all alignments are relative to that.
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They should’ve sent a poet.
I was thinking, ‘Oh, Pam’s got to be chaotic neutral!’ But you’re right, Krieger beats her out to that title.
Much like Always Sunny, having the words “Lawful” and “Neutral” anywhere near the Archer crew just seems so wrong.
See, I’d flip Archer and Krieger. I mean, Archer’s generally well intentioned but prone to poor impulse control
Krieger’s a cloned Nazi scientist who scoffs at the laws of God and man and likes to perform surreptitious genetic experiments on his coworkers.
That line’s a little over the top for Lucille, but I could totally see Malory saying the one about “they didn’t sneak into this country to be your friends”. Hell, I’m vaguely amazed they didn’t use that line.
I love Jessica Walter, is what I’m trying to say.
Very different from my chart, but I included Barry instead of Woodhouse, so that shifted things around quite a bit. We really only agree on Ray and Mallory.
@CandidGamera: great Malory quote. Honestly, “EVERYONE SHOOTS THE CHIPPIE!” is probably my favourite single moment of the show.
I just used Archer the other day as an example of someone with absurdly high intelligence, but zero wisdom.
This is not post-appropriate, but were you still in the market for a copy of that children’s book about the Trumpets versus the Grumpets (I cannot remember the title exactly, and I’m reasonably certain that my idea of Terror In Tiny Trumpet Town is not in fact correct)? Apparently I found one ages ago and put it someplace safe so I wouldn’t lose it.
Nice chart. I wouldn’t classify Cheryl/Carol/Charlene as Chaotic Evil . . . the chick is too crazy to be evil, if that makes sense. Now . . . Barry? He’s Chaotic Evil. Just throw in a quote about “Barry” and “Other Barry,” and you’re good to go.
What you said about the showing trending towards chaotic evil made me wonder about what if any shows trend in the opposite direction.
I have thus concluded that we need to see a chart based on My Little Pony.
@Psych, My Little Pony leans towards Chaotic Good, not Lawful Good.
My Little Pony brings way too much evil into the world to hold on to “Good” for very long.
The bottom right needs to be shuffled around.
Sterling is selfish but he isn’t exactly evil like his mother. He’s really about as true neutral as you can get without dipping into minor characters like Katya or Brett (RIP)
Pam is about as “chaotic neutral” as you can get.
What’s-her-face is … okay, yeah, she’s probably chaotic evil now that I think about it but she’s a lot less so than Krieger or Barry.
TA may enjoy the latest Bob’s Burgers episode.
Honestly, I think the universe trends more Chaotic Neutral than outright Chaotic Evil. I think Archer, Pam, and Cheryl all have good arguments for CN. I’d probably shuffle Archer to CN, Cheryl to NE, and Krieger definitely deserves CE more than anyone else, even if he does have good taste in music.
Oh, and there wouldn’t be room, but I’d be very inclined to use Pam’s back tattoo as her tagline. That is actually my favorite thing in the whole series.
Lawful implies that the character follows a code of behavior. Even if that behavior is inhuman, sadistic, kinky and absurd.
If a Ponies alignment chart is ever made, Fluffle Puff can’t be placed on it. She exists beyond our meager definitions of the universe.
I ended up making my own pony chart.
Cyril’s recent behaviour makes him look way more evil than Archer. Archer’s a self-centred dick, but he does actually respect other human beings (he’s just not very good at it). Cyril… enjoys being a ruthless dictator and forcing Maggie from the Walking Dead to marry him way too much.
(In that Warhammer guild he mentioned, I bet he plays Skaven)
Ah, alignment charts. Always a pleasure.
I’d switch Carol & Krieger, and possibly Lana & Woodhouse.
“X universe trends towards Y alignment” seems as odd as SFDebris “all scores are relative to the series”. Both alignment and scores make sense only in the context of a consensus that agrees upon absolute measurements.
It’s absolutely all relative though. Woodhouse is a junkie in the employ of a terrorist leader and he’s still the closest thing the show has to a Lawful Good recurring character.
And? Voyager probably has a few episodes that are “the closest thing to a 10 this show has to offer”, but that doesn’t mean those episodes are actually worth your time and / or are good in any sort of subjective way.
So far, so analogy, but to the issue at hand – if the show has no genuinely good characters, then that doesn’t mean that the “closest thing” is a viable substitute.
And that’s not really a problem. At all. Much less a problem that needs to be solved with approximations.
The show has good characters (just not LG), it isn’t like its Frisky Dingo*. Lana and Ray are good people who fell in with the wrong crowd and started to believe Mallory’s lies. Like MGK said, the show leans toward CE (it has to since we found out they were basically terrorists all along) so you might end up with some blank spots if you don’t treat one person’s actions as relative to another. Look at that MLP chart that Psych posted; every single “evil” character is one of the heroes because the world is inherently good to begin with.
*Would someone please try to make a FD chart? Also Chozen? I know those lean CE too but I’m just wondering what the character quotes will be.
@Cookie McCool – the book is Trouble For Trumpets and is possibly the most delightful book a small child will ever read.
I prefer thinking of it as Terror in Tiny Trumpet Town, Dougal, but I am willing to bow to accuracy. At any rate, I have a copy of it and no small children to delight if someone needs it.
I love how people are trying really hard to not make Archer be evil.
Guys. He’s evil. Archer is what Chaotic Evil looks like. Doesn’t mean he can’t be the main character of the show, or on the nominally-good side, but still.