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highlyverbal said on June 11th, 2014 at 2:51 pm

The analysis of Go Fish! is incomplete.

(First of all, many rulesets suggest you have to have all 4 to play the “book” of that denomination — I assume Malcolm and Janey are playing a variant?)

Asking for a certain card promises holding one. Thus, if the opponent draws it – they will instantly ask for it and get to go again. So there is some overlooked upside from preventing this, as well as some overlooked incentive to avoiding completely describing one’s hand.

I’m not saying these factors add up to continually asking for the same card, but surely Malcolm would mention them.

Zifnab25 said on June 12th, 2014 at 1:12 am

The noise sounds emitted from Malcolm Gladwell’s face hole have always tickled my amygdala in a particular manner, invoking the musculature motion of the superior and inferior rectus triggering the counter-clockwise rotation of retinas. I suspect this reaction may propagate out among the population generally, further triggering symptoms of nausea and narcolepsy. Sadly, further study is inhibited by trending waves of fresh-out-of-fucks-itis.


I have had the exact same conversation about Go Fish with my son (except he didn’t cry, he just kept asking for twos — or rather elephants, since it was animal Go Fish.)

Tim O'Neil said on June 13th, 2014 at 9:01 am

You forgot the part where he neglects to mention he’s in the pocket of big tobacco and says that quitting smoking will hurt the pension system, so he gives all the kids free cartons of Kools.

David L. Lerner said on June 13th, 2014 at 6:04 pm

So now MGK stands for Malcolm Gladwell’s Kindergarten?

Dan Coyle said on June 13th, 2014 at 11:46 pm

That a man with that hair is seen is a serious thinker is (insert nihilistic pronouncement about current society here)

Cookie McCool said on June 15th, 2014 at 1:27 am

Yes, the nerve of someone with kinky hair not straighten it so as to be taken more seriously! Get some lye on that man’s head.


Wait, are Malcolm Gladwell and Malcolm Tucker not the same person?

Mind. Blown.


Yeah, Tucker is a lot more likeable.


Round round round? Is that a Canadian thing? Have I been singing this song wrong the entire time?

Its “round and round” right?

Seriously, I need to know.


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