I’m currently in overdrive studying for my bar exams, so posting here is going to be a bit more perfunctory than usual and consist primarily of bits from comics I think are cool for the next couple of weeks.

I’m currently in overdrive studying for my bar exams, so posting here is going to be a bit more perfunctory than usual and consist primarily of bits from comics I think are cool for the next couple of weeks.
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
-- Popcrunch.com
"By MightyGodKing, we mean sexiest blog in western civilization."
-- Jenn
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Needs more ponies.
Elaborate backstory: His mother stashed his vintage original ponies before she died and only she knows where they are.
hmmm..maybe the pony thing is getting a little out of hand…
In all seriousness, that is a man in desperate need of a kitten.
This is why, in the hands of a good writer, Doom makes the best sort of villain. And fortunately, in the hands of a crappy writer, it was just a malfunctioning Doombot.
I’m a Doombot!
But not a very good one.
I always enjoyed the Doom / Reed Richards rivalry. Doom was always trying to one-up Richards. Richards rarely gave a shit either way and just wanted to get back to his research. And in the middle, there would be laser fights with dinosaurs.
Ah, the Silver Age.
Scavenger: Yeah, probably. Unfortunately I can’t read anything with Doom anymore without thinking of the ponies.
So, blame MGK.
Hell. Motherfucking. Yes. At least in the pre-Hellboy days, can you think of two characters more in the Mignola Wheelhouse than Drs. Strange and Doom?
Doom’s problem is he’s always the second best at everything. Weird science? Reed Richards (RICHARDS!). Magic? Steve Strange. Robots? Hank Pym. Latverian rules hopscotch? The 9 year old granddaughter of his chef. You get the idea. Hell, Kristoff was even better at being Doom than he was.