John Seavey’s first attempt to try and instill a true nerd/geek/whatever film canon was a good idea, but suffered from obvious operational flaws: namely, the ability of people to add and veto in unlimited amounts. The first is problematic because it means people will add things of which they have fond memories but which aren’t really all-time favorites. The second is problematic because of the jerk factor and because it means people can dismiss films with no cost, which is sort of the opposite of “consensus,” because a consensus usually involves a degree of compromise in the agreement.
Thus, a suggestion. Start the Geek Consensus list over from scratch, but this time, the rules are simple: you can add up to three movies and veto up to two, with no blanket vetoes like “all Pixar films.” (And you can save adds or vetos for a second post if you’re of the “this list will not have Sex and the City 2 on it” variety, with which I can sympathize.) This means that the consensus list will gradually grow, but only films to which people have a serious objection on an individual basis will be removed. I think this removes most of the problems with the first experiment.
Thus, I kick it off with:
Back To The Future
Big Trouble In Little China
Since people were wishing for the return of Improved Archie, here it is, in very very basic form:
Have at it in comments.
Also, I’m looking for artists for a couple of projects – you know the email if you’re interested in working with me.
This is mine:
Let’s see what you got, people! In comments, or Photoshop them yourselves and post to your own blog, or whatever.
By popular request:
Your vastly improved dialogue to mgk@mightygodking.com with “Improved Martin And Lewis” as the subject header. The best ones get posted next week.
Michael John Magee suggested it, and I feel magnanimous, so let’s do a reader-submitted round of Magic: The Election 08. It’s been way too long since I did a reader-submitted anything, and they’re fun.
Submit your ideas to me in email (it’s there on the sidebar, folks). If you have a specific image(s) for the card(s) in mind, I need that too.
Bear in mind the MGK Fake Magic Election Design Bible:
1.) The color wheel is as follows:
Blue: Democrats
Red: Republicans
White: Religion/Law Related Stuff
Black: Douchebaggism
Green: Environmentalism and, I dunno, other things that are green, there’s room there to add things I guess but stay in the general philosophical area
2.) The major traits of import are Democratic, Republican, Douchebag, Bullshit, and Media. (I am flexible, and if somebody comes up with a really good new trait that deserves to be widely referenced, I’ll mention it here.) No card should have more than two traits unless you have a really good reason.
3.) Cards that directly reference Barack Obama should be multicolor blue/white/green hybrid mana. Everything else is fair game for hybrid mana, gold multicolor cards, et cetera.
4.) Stick to existing keyword mechanics. Don’t create new ones.
5.) Stick to events of the 2008 Presidential campaign. Anything before the Iowa primaries: no. Random Dick Cheney or Larry Craig jokes: no (unless they’re really, really good, and let’s be honest, that well is pretty dry). Et cetera. Doing new versions of cards I’ve already done is fine (a lot of people complained that Barack Obama was underpowered).
5. and most important) Remember that the element of masterful parody is refusing to overplay it. I’m not going to waste my time on things like “Say POW POW POW: John McCain gets +5/+5 until end of turn.” That is the parody magic card equivalent of making Disaster Movie or Meet the Spartans. You do not want to be that person. Remember that your entries should, generally speaking, look like actual Magic cards; they will be funnier that way.
6.) In answer to Zenrage: keep it fairly clean.
I’ll put up the ones I like best on Monday.
The old standby: the movie quote quiz. Full points for guessing movie title, actor, and character, so a possible three points per flick, up till question #34, which is a trick question and therefore worth one point. NO FAIR USING GOOGLE. If I find out you cheated and used Google (I am not sure how I would do this, but I have ways and means), Ima cut you.
Of course it’s relatively easy to cheat off other people’s answers as well, but it’s not like there are valuable prizes at stake here.
As a special bonus to make it easier for you: no actor has more than one quote on the list. (One director is represented twice.)
continue reading "A Monday Morning Diversion"
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