A giant vampire bat might pose problems to certain heroic individuals. After all, giant vampire bats are, let us be honest, usually giant vampires. In bat form. And if you don’t have a crucifix handy, what do you do?

Maybe you go old school on that vampire, if your name is Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog.
Top comment: Fact: Rex the Wonder Dog is considered a religious symbol for 9 out of 10 religions. (The last one is Scientology, because L Ron Hubbard knew incorporating Rex into Scientology would infuriate Rex.) — Thok
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Wait a second… don’t most vampires require drinking THEIR blood to get turned?
Wouldn’t this turn Rex into Rex the MOTHERFUCKING VAMPIRE Wonder Dog?
DistantFred, if this is true, that would make Rex both unstoppable AND immortal.
In which case, I don’t think even Squirrel Girl could stop him.
Fun fact: Rex the Wonder Dog used to be the pet of Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern!
No, seriously. He wasn’t named “Rex” back then, but as superheroes became less and less popular, Green Lantern’s dog started getting solo tales and eventually the book was reworked around him.
I’m sure Rex, much like {insert any clever name here}, doesn’t swallow. [footnote]
This is just Rex flaunting his sense of irony which often takes a back seat to his bad-assery.
[Incomplete list includes: Monica Lewinsky, my girlfriend, your mom, your sister, the cute starbucks cashier, etc.]
Actually, Dan, your girlfriend does.
Fact: Rex the Wonder Dog is considered a religious symbol for 9 out of 10 religions. (The last one is Scientology, because L Ron Hubbard knew incorporating Rex into Scientology would infuriate Rex.)
Now that’s a comic I can sink my teeth into!
This is (not) Bob Barker reminding to help control the superhero pet population by having your wonder pets spayed or neutered.
Yeah… I’m pretty sure Rex can’t be neutered unless you have Reed Richards level os Science!equipment… and i sure as hell wouldn’t try, lest he decided to go after my balls.
Hey, fair’s fair.
Seriously, I look at crazy old stuff like Rex (T.M.F.W.D.), or Jimmy Olsen, and I wonder why they aren’t taking that shit and turning it into the next Adult Swim cartoon.Come on, this is what late night TV viewers NEED, man!
Woman: But don’t you need a wooden stake and holy water and a beheading and stuffing a mouth with garlic to kill a vampire?
Man: Well maybe, but I reckon that Rex tearin it to shit will do too
(Thinking of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYYNAR54Qe8 )
Everything Greebo knows about vampire killing, he learned from Rex.
John: Streak is still technically canon. I’ve seen him mentioned a few times in modern comics. The timing is just about correct for him to be Rex’s father.
also: Fuck YOU, Morbius.
…Rex? http://yawoot.com/post/3156
Those are the stupidest looking bat wings I’ve ever seen. Didn’t they have reference libraries back then?