Some have suggested that this dog is a real-life approximation of Rex the Wonder Dog.

However, even if we ignore the fact that this is clearly a training scenario and not an actual hostile takedown (not that this dog knew that, of course), you will note that the crucial difference is that Rex the Wonder Dog would have caught the bullets in his mouth and spat them back at either his attacker or possibly a secondary evildoer.
Top comment: And Rex would’ve gone THROUGH the car window. — Chenry
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Well he’s clearly firing blanks, and Rex can’t throw back bullets that aren’t there…
… Or can he?
Well he’s clearly firing blanks, and Rex can’t throw back bullets that aren’t there…
… Or can he?
RexTMFWD actually has a secondary stomach expressly for storing bullets caught in previous conflicts so that they can be spit back at later attackers who may not be armed with handguns.
Whether that’s the real-life version of Rex or not, the important thing here is…that dog is fucking AWESOME.
Excuse me while I be a Grammar Nazi.
“Some has suggested…”
The proper grammar would be “Some have suggested…”
This concludes today’s interruption.
That dog is great though.
The lesson here, of course, is that dogs can channel Rex’s incredible abilities for just a few brief moments. Which is long enough for a dog to jump onto a car, jump off its roof, and mangle some poor motherfucker’s arm just for the hell of it.
Do not fuck with dogs.
“Do not fuck with dogs”
Unless specifically asked for. The only thing more dangerous than a Motherfucking Wonder Dog, is one who isn’t getting some.
(apparently I’m the go-to guy for zoophilic jokes… well, once you found your niche)
The utter lack of sonic boom gives it away too.
Here’s the rest of that police dog video.
I don’t think Rex would get confused and attack his handler, either.
The two dogs ganging up is even more awesome.
Rex would have pulled a Brock Sampson. He would have jumped over the car, grabbed the gunman’s wrist in his mouth, then used the torque of his body’s momentum to jerk the gunman’s arm behind his back, where Rex would then shove the gun’s muzzle up the gunman’s ass… WITHOUT TAKING THE GUN OUT OF THE MAN’S HAND.
That’s a pretty small dog, too. Rex would’ve knocked him on his ass from the first contact.
Clerics of RTMFWD can channel their diety’s power into daily uses of “Turn Evildoer (Into Snausages)”.
So why does the video end so qiuckly? I only ask because you only see RTHMFWD and the shooter, up until the shooter is brought down. Obviously the men in black with guns are there to kill RTHMFWD, and Rex’s response while epic is probably too brutal for anyone to see.
I watched that clip for 7 minutes before shaking myself out of it.
And Rex would’ve gone THROUGH the car window.
Well, unless it was a stolen car; Rex would’ve kept the windows intact, found the *actual* owners, closed down any and ALL folks involved in this crime, AND dealt with the insurance company.
Not to ruin a perfectly good pile-on, but has Rex ever caught a bullet in canon?
Rex would not have gone over the car, he would have slid under, using his momentum and body angle to lift said car and flip it over onto the evildoer.
Actually, I take that back. Rex would have performed the most logical course of action that would have taken down the evildoer with minimal property damage. Meaning Rex would have jumped through the open driver window, drive the car out of the way, and then take down the evildoer.
Funny, I thought that Rex was a dog who could bark and shoot bees at you. 😉
I don’t know if you heard yet, but Bo Obama is appearing in the last issue of Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers.
Real funny discussion here:,-and-someone-is-PISSED-about-it.