Some people, when stranded on a desert island, might use a pair of sticks rubbed together to create fire. Others might focus the sun through their spectacles. The resourceful might use flint and steel.

Needless to say, all of these methods are completely superfluous if you are Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog.
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…and later in the issue, Rex defeats the Smoke Monster and becomes guardian of the Island.
And when he’s thirsty, he just waits for a tsunami to fill his drinking glass.
And when he’s hungry, he rearranges time and space so that it now rests in a configuration in which he is not hungry.
When life gives you lava make lava-aide.
Or fire.
Whichever is easier.
“–I’ll just quickly forge a Ring of Power and throw it in.”
That volcano was dormant, but it saw Rex the Motherfucking Wonder Dog coming and lost its shit.
He is the Most Interesting Dog in the World.
Rex didn’t steal fire from the gods, they gave it to him so he’d go away and not hurt them.
@JoeX: “I don’t always make fire, but when I do, I use lava.”
Rex Versus the Volcano?
(Yeah, sorry, all the contemporary beer commercial jokes were taken, I’m left with stale Tom Hanks movie references.)