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I will probably watch these about five times today in anticipation of tonight’s Top 20 show. Thanks so much for the ideal review of why I love SYTYCD!


I had forgotten just how damn good Gev was.. I mean he wasn’t Top 3.. But he really could hang in there with the rest of the guys.


[…] News Sources wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptThis was requested repeatedly in comments and then in email, and I didn’t have a post planned for today, and the first competition episode of season 5 is tonight, so I decided “what the hell.” Group dances in SYTYCD follow an interesting evolution. There weren’t any group dances in the first season (beyond a very brief reunion dance in the final episode which was all too perfunctory). They arrived in the second season as Fox decided to put more money and airtime behind the show and the pro […]

Cotume27 said on June 10th, 2009 at 2:12 pm

Much as I adore them both, #5 was another Mia Michaels piece, not Wade Robson.

JQ_NW_American said on June 10th, 2009 at 8:19 pm


I try to see the performances from the non-american versions, but rarely do I see the group routines, save the macauele (I was intrigued by the wikipedia entry). In the screencap from the Mia Michaels Top 6 routine that you see with the play button, is it me or does Benji look somewhat… ladyboy?

Will there be a Part 6? Best solos. Biggest disappointments. Worst pairings. Each choreographer’s best. Best Dancer’s Best Routine.


I find it interesting how Joshua’s placement in the 3/2 breakdown of “more trained”/”self-taught” dancers in #3 really makes the whole meta-storyline of HIP HOP KID DONE GOOD more than a little rediculous.


i’m a big fan of the american SYTYCD and haven’t seen anything from the international versions — really impressed by the dances by the aussies! what do you think about the top 16 group dance from last week? that one definitely made it into my top 5 group dances. what made it particularly notable was that it was a fairly brilliant move combining latin ballroom and hip hop — makes me think the choreographers should collaborate more often!


I may be biased because I’m from Australia, but I think two other of Kelley Abbey’s season 2 works would have made it into the list. The top 20 routine and that peacock feather routine. I also think Jason Gilkison’s old Hollywood group routine was a pretty good one.
They’re one of those few routines where the camera work actually looks planned out (or even choreographed for the television viewers) instead of most other group numbers where they change camera angles for the sake of it.
Hmmmm… I might have stumbled on something there, a lot of the group routines are choreographed for the live audience, and not really consider much about specific camera angles and camera locations.


Your Top 5 was actually mia michaels’ piece


A lot of great routines, but no contest for the #1 spot. I remember watching the American show the year after and being bewildered by how disappointing their finale number was.

Overall, the quality on the American show was a little better than the Australian one, so after the Australians set the bar so high with that finale, I expected the Americans to do something even more amazing. But it never happened – I was like, ‘weren’t your producers paying attention?!’


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