When you need a photographer, you can’t just settle for some down-on-his-luck freelancer. You need the best: someone with the composition skill of Ansel Adams and the balls and timing of Eddie Adams.

You know who you go to when you need the best, don’t you?

Damn straight – you hire Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog.
Top comment: Rex is already a better writer than David Brooks. — tinheart
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If only he could get some shots of that menacing Spider-Man!
Jonah hired Rex at one point but had to let him go, that Parker kid accused Rex of being a commie and that got him in front of HUAC…
Are there any collected editions of Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog? Because if not, there really should be.
All right. I’ve got to ask. Do the people in this book actually do anything, or do they just provide a home address for Rex the Wonderdog Industries and sponge off his good nature?
Rex is already a better writer than David Brooks.
I am fully with the disbelieving man breaking the fourth wall in the foreground of the last panel.
Clearly Rex has a special camera that can be worked without opposable thumbs.
Probably designed it himself, the bloody showoff.
I know that there’s supposed to be journalist ethics that prevent a reporter/photographer from getting directly involved in a story, but after taking the shots shouldn’t Rex have put out that blazing inferno threatening the city?
PaulW: Who says he didn’t?
‘Rex is already a better writer than David Brooks.”
I read that as David Bowie and promptly imagined Rex done up as Ziggy Stardust.
The camera is rigged with a cord that Rex pulls with his paw.
There were several stories where Rex would beat up mobsters while wearing the camera, taking pictures mid-pounce.
Kingfisher: I totally missed that Fourth wall break. When I went back and saw it I almost lost my shit. Some things you can’t unsee….
Actually, the man in the foreground is disbelieving the fact that the parade isn’t being thrown for Rex.
Well, if we threw a parade every time Rex did something wondrous, the city would grind to a halt.
So now he can replace Batman AND Spider-man? Geez, the union’s gonna have a cow about this one.
I keep coming back to this post just to see that disbelieving dude in the forefront.
His “Do ya believe dis shit ovah heah?!?” expression is priceless.