People talk about Golden Age Wonder Woman panels being disturbing, but really, those are nothing. This just makes me feel unclean.

(from Dixie Dugan #2)
People talk about Golden Age Wonder Woman panels being disturbing, but really, those are nothing. This just makes me feel unclean.
(from Dixie Dugan #2)
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Let me guess: “Dixie Dugan and the island of Dr. Hedonism”.
The only way that this could be better would be if it were a complete non-sequitor in the story with no further reference to the foot-fetishist and his bi-butler.
*slurp* *suck* *slurp*
Please, PLEASE tell me this is a particularly good ‘shop. It’s the only way to regain my sanity.
Those must be pretty amazing binoculars. The ones I have only give you that ~1m view from about 20m away. But it’s much more entertaining if you imagine the Attractive Couple are completely oblivious to the two people talking up on that big-ass porch seventy feet up the hill.
I am sickened thinking about what depraved possibilities are indicated by ‘the birds, the bees, and the chipmunks’ being out there together!
This is exactly why I never go outside, under any circumstances. One man’s agoraphobia is another woman’s ickaphobia.
I downloaded the issue in question. Surprisingly enough, this isn’t photoshopped, and the context… doesn’t really help.
Why is Marlon Brando appearing in a comic?
I like that the butler is apparently named Jitters. I imagine the gentleman in question names all his menservants in such a manner: Freak-Out cooks his meals, Creeps makes his bed, Shivers draws his bath after a long day of stalking people, and when the man of the house wishes to hunt the Most Dangerous Game, Heebie-Jeebies cleans the guns and acts as taxidermist.
Sooooo much slurping and sucking!
Too early for Auric Goldfinger and Oddjob, though there is that vibe of shared perversion. Sydney Greenstreet and Don Ameche?
I don’t see what the big deal is. Hasn’t anyone else here used binoculars to ogle the cheerleaders at a sporting event?
Who hires a Butler named Jitters? That’s just asking for a gin martini to land in your lap.
Maybe he’s into that. Hey, I don’t judge.
Seriously, how many comics do you have to have already torrented and read to have even sought out Dixie Dugan #2?
Not many. I like to grab random Golden Age torrents, which are always incomplete and usually a mixed bag of various things. This was the only issue of Dixie Dugan in a selection of comics published by the Prize group, who were most notable for publishing Fighting American, another one of the Kirby creations nobody talks about because he sucks.
“About the only thing out here would be birds, the bees and chipmunks.”
Nothing in this sentence makes any sense
Clearly there are multiple copies of Kamen Rider TheBee wandering around the forest.
(slurp) (suck)
‘Jitters’ seemed to be a stereotypical name for fictional butlers back then, like ‘Jeeves’. I have a few Laurel and Hardy movies on DVD with one or two butlers named Jitters. And a few more called Hives. I think that one’s worse.
Oh yeah, and urgh, gross, etc.