22.) The Abominable Snowman Knows ASL

23.) Never Put Your Stomach Ahead Of Your Purse

24.) Eminent Domain Never Makes Anybody Happy

25.) To The Queen!

26.) Cheesy Disguises Always Work, Regardless Of Context

27.) The Standard Method Of Tax Bracketing Does Not Apply To Ducks

28.) When You Lick A Ball Of Something, Sometimes It Tastes Like Strawberry

29.) You Do Not Need Milk Or Sugar To Make Ice Cream

30.) You Have To Remember That These Comics Were Made In The 1950s

31.) Desert Bandits Have Big Dreams

32.) There’s Nothing Quite So Cushy As Being In Sales!

33.) Shoeless Pashly Is The King Of The Bongo Drums

34.) Donald Duck Invented Air Flares

35.) The Junior Woodchucks’ Guidebook Always Has The Answer

36.) …Always Has The Answer

37.) Scrooge McDuck, The Richest Duck In The World, Does Not Understand The Concept Of Inflation

38.) $

39.) Public Shaming Sometimes Requires Inventiveness

40.) A Little Gold Gnome

41.) The Reason Your Cat Is An Asshole To You Is Because You Just Don’t Speak Cat

42.) Nobody Wants To Hear Your Villainous Gloating

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You know… I read just about all the classic Scrooge/Donald/etc. comics in the mid-to-late eighties and the early nineties, when they were being re-published in pamphlet form by Gladstone and I could cajole my mom into paying a buck for them from a supermarket rack.
(This also means that, when they started publishing new stuff by Don Rosa, I ended up with all of his stuff in its initial run. I have a pamphlet first-run copy of ‘His Majesty McDuck’ that is in absolutly shitty condition, but has immense sentimental value and gets me crazy McDuck cred.)
Anyway! My point, and I do have one, is that I had no clue, no clue AT ALL, that they weren’t current, that they were re-prints of stories that were thirty-plus years old stories. YES, that includes the one with the Peeweegahs, which I look at these days and wince. I totally thought that was being written at the time and didn’t find it and the other stuff that today I find cringe-worthy incongruous at ALL.
My question is, does that reflect badly on me and my upbringing, or incredibly well on the stories?
I can’t help but hear all of Scrooge’s lines in Rusty Venture’s voice.
You had to learn point 35 and 36?
I can’t be too mad at the Peeweegah story just because their dialogue all scans PERFECTLY.
Nobody cares about proper scansion nowadays.
Little did Donald know as he stood on the stilts staring at his mean uncle that a semi-truck with its brakes out was barrelling down the street straight for him….
But I love to gloat villainously! 🙁
Would it be possible to have a tag for the Scrooge McDuck comics just like Rex has one? Thanks. 🙂