I am not sure what this birth-year cover entails, but I suppose there are worse omens.

See, now that is a bad birth omen.
Anyhow. For those wishing to buy me birthday presents (which, barring a sudden need for an organ of some kind, will be your last opportunity to do so on a significant date until November!), the wishlist is here, and the donation button is on the right sidebar as always.
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21 users responded in this post
Well, I’d like to wish you a very happy Bird-day.
Man, That makes me feel dirty.
Happy Birthday and best Wishes.
Hurm. If I do the math, this shows you were born… one year before Star Wars came out… You were a year old when the AWESOMEST MOVIE A KID COULD EVER SEE came out… you had Chewie pajamas, didn’t you. Lucky bastard. π
Ha! Bird-day! Awesome. I’ll wish you one of those too.
Happy birthday
Cheers! Happy b-day and thanks for another year of great content.
All of the omens so far are aquatic. I would recommend staying away from open water.
Happy b-day, MGK!
More Mr. Fish on Seanbaby if you want it. http://seanbaby.com/hostess/v2daredevil06.htm. Happy Birthday, MGK!
Happy Birthday, sir!
Happy birthday, MGK.
Well, count yourself lucky. Nine more days and you’d be a Pisces, and with those covers you’d be totally screwed.
Happy birthday.
That Ghost Rider seems to be British. Maybe the schedule there was a few months behind and the North American February 1976 issue had something cooler. I just checked, and the only issue I have from that month is Marvel Chillers #3, which began the Tigra series. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. No fish on the cover, though.
Happy birthday! I turned 34 a few weeks ago, so I feel your pain.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday… or is that birdday?
Happy Bird-day…you lucky bastard. π
I passed 34 three years ago…and by the end of this one, it’ll be an even 4. Damn.
As I write this there’s like 5 minutes left, so happy birthday while I got time.
Congrats. By turning 34, you’ve accomplished something neither Alexander the Great nor Jesus could do. It’ll probably be the last time, so….
Happy Birthday, Mightygodking!
Happy Birthday – the 9th is also my birthday but I turned 44 so I get seniority lol.
Love this blog.
That Ghost Rider seems to be British.
That’s because when MGK was born, Canada was still part of the Empire.
By the way, why is a shark a threat to a ghost demon whatchamacallit? Was it supposed to be some sort of shark god, like Sekolah or Omoo-Omoo? It’s as if they were subtly trying to capitalize on something mentioned on the cover.