See, all the hype lately is about how Grant Morrison is going to write a story where Batman travels through time and is Batman in different eras. But Batman is totally stealing this schtick. Who beat him to it?

Obviously, Batman draws his inspiration from Rex the motherfucking Wonder Dog, as is right and proper.
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But what if Batman teams up with Rex the Wonder Dog?
Isn’t it obvious? Life will cease to be on planet Earth, as nature knows nothing anything ever does could compare to how awesome that is.
You know, I think I’d like Morrison’s recent Batman work better if you just replaced Batman everywhere with Rex the Wonder Dog.
Rex is awesome, no argument, but clearly this other guy has never heard of Rex. So, this guy is staking his manhood, his valor, and his honor, on the idea that a guy in full armor on a charging warhorse can win a fight against a naked opponent who lacks opposable thumbs.
Seriously, even winning that fight he can’t help but look like a dick. Was this the result of a bar bet?
That’s *Sir* Rex the Motherfucking Wonder Dog to you.
Wilhelm Dratho, Duke of Westcumberland (b.1265 – d. 1299). He f-ckedeth with the wrongeth Wonder Dog.
In before Rex the Wonder Dog has a cameo in Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
Having won the joust, our hero became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and was henceforth known as IMPERIUS REX!!!
So now you know who Namor’s always shouting about.
Logic, physics and biology are all on Duke Dratho’s side.
Like that matters.
I thought everyone knew Batman drew all his inspiration from Rex, the Mother-fucking Wonder Dog, and always has. Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, James Bond, MacGyver– they’re all ripping him off.
I love how you don’t even post the next panel anymore – by this point, we can all draw our own conclusions as to the world of hurt Duke Dratho is about to be in.
My question is at last answered.
Mary: It’s an extreme case of “Simpsons did it” only in this case it’s “Rex did it.” The only hope other characters have is to perform the same stunts and hope they do almost as well as Rex does.
Oh my god. He’s holding the reins in his motherfucking paws and the lance in his mouth and I just…I have no words. This is amazing. You are amazing.
You people doubted be when I said the horseriding only gets more absurd.
Did Rex win both horses at the end of this? Because even if Sir Fuck You *would’ve* won – somehow – SFY’s horse would rather be with Rex.
I am deeply disappointed by the recurrence of people not knowing that Rex is a DC character…
DistantFred: Rex is too awesome for just one company to contain.
And after this, he’s doubtless gonna marry the Princess.
Bigby and Snow White from Willingham’s Fables? They knew inter-species procreation was possible cause Rex did it. ๐
The lance is just a distraction, Duke Dratho, but by the time you figure that out, it’ll be far, far too late. You poor bastard.
[i]In before Rex the Wonder Dog has a cameo in Marvel vs. Capcom 3[/i]
What cameo? Who else would you get to play a God? He’s using the brush to be fair to everyone ELSE.