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The Walking Dead is so good I want to rub it all over my penis.


The Walking Dead is so good I want to have se- dammit chenry!


I haven’t seen it, but I have heard that it’s kind of sexist from a few sources. I don’t know, it doesn’t really interest me anyway.


they give you the rules and then the characters go and break half of them first chance they get.


It’s not sexist; there is a character who is sexist.

Verdict: good show.


Bill Reed: It was more the fact that apparently there are no female characters until the last seven minutes and that they are then treated with patronization and condescension not only by the characters but by the narrative itself. But this is verging into ‘complaining about shows you don’t watch’ territory so I’m going to shut up about it now until I’ve actually seen it XD

ladypeyton said on November 1st, 2010 at 4:58 am

It was awesome. I loved it and charged of sexism leave me a little surprised. Not every show has to center around female characters and the way the partner treated the woman at the end left me with a lesser opinion of him, not her.

The twist surrounding the woman at the end was a telegraphed a mile a way and was a little cliche, and the beginning seemed ripped straight out of 28 Days Later, but other than that the show was immensely entertaining.

DistantFred said on November 1st, 2010 at 7:22 am

If people are upset NOW with regard to how the women on the show are treated, I can’t fathom how negatively they will react later on, when actual violence against women starts happening. Especially the Michonne situation when they get to Woodbury.


I thought the show conveyed more effectively than the comic the bigness of a world with very few people. I probably would have liked it a lot more had I not been constantly comparing it to the comic, though.


The scene where he tracks the legless zombie in the park is amazing.


ladypeyton: Kirkman has done interviews about this, and he had this written before 28 Days Later came out (although theirs was also obviously written before then) but Image held it back to launch during October (for obvious reasons). Of course, the fact that this is adapting something that’s 7 years old now also makes it seem more as if it were copying 28 Days Later.


Spafoom: Last 15 minutes (unless you count female zombies, in which case, much much earlier) – not that this is significantly different. As for female characters being condescended to and patronized, it’s just one specific character, not the narrative itself. It isn’t sexist.


Just a god damn fucking good 90 minutes of television. Beautifully shot, pretty well acted, faithful without being slavish to the brilliant source material. Late into the fray, but clearly the leading candidate for best new show of the season.


@ladypeyton, @corey:
Also, “The Day of the Triffids” did it first. So everyone should stop whining about it and learn to enjoy things on their own.

Also also, i loved it. TWD that is.

ladypeyton said on November 2nd, 2010 at 12:02 am

coren: I’m confused because 28 Days Later is 8 years old (today,actually…huh). I’m not certain when The Walking Dead came out but I was under the impression that it was a year after the movie.

That said, i09ers have informed me that both of them ripped the beginning off from Day of the Triffids.

I’m also not unhappy that they both start the same way. The one thing we definitely needed more of was 28 Days Later and I don’t mean the dreck that was the American sequel.

Mister Alex said on November 2nd, 2010 at 3:40 pm

I like how this series searches for a middle ground in the “fast zombies vs. slow zombies” debate, by presenting zombies that shuffle around slowly until they lock onto you, and then gradually speed up until they become fast zombies.

Maybe Dr. Tancredi will have her head cut off in 2 different series! 🙂


At what point were any of them fast? It just seems that way when there’s a lot.

Mister Alex said on November 2nd, 2010 at 7:46 pm

I thought they hit a respectable jog going around the corner in Atlanta. Certainly faster than your traditional Romero variety, if not quite at 28 Days Later level.


@ladypeyton: “Ripped off” is just a loaded term. It implies some kind of lazy theft rather than perhaps homage or a respectful and actively creative re-use of the same idea.

Also, although Walking Dead WAS published about a year after the release of 28 Days Later, it’s not inconceivable that Kirkman really did have that beginning nailed down long before. Besides the fact that comics are written before being illustrated, there’s also the long publication process. You’re confusing publication date with the date the idea was conceived.


I was also uncomfortable with the sexist current, but I later pinned it down to Shane’s personal attitude.

Just because of him, Morgan’s joke about his wife/women’s emotionality did rub me the wrong way, but the pay-off later made me see the point of it. I guess we’ll see.


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