I know predicting future fashions is never easy (really, I should at some point devote a post to the endless lineup of incredibly terrible civilian clothing in Legion of Super-Heroes over the years. – suffice it to say that the future? Is caftans), but if you end up with a future-military where plumed and/or finned helms are back in fashion, something has gone sharply wrong with your design sense.

For the record, this story ends when the emperor is driven insane by a plague-harmonica of his own creation.
I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence. But there you go. Weird War Tales is like that; the only way this could be more weirdly-warrish is if somehow it was revealed at the end that vampires were somehow to blame. Or, alternately, Space Hitler.
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12 users responded in this post
I would so be there for a Legion fashion post of any kind.
Perhaps everyone in the future is a hipster, and they are wearing those helmets as an ironic commentary on Roman fashion trends.
Something has gone sharply wrong, or very very sharply right?
Ironic that you link to Space Hitler this week.
So in the future we still haven’t cured fat OR bald? Nuts to that.
Is anybody here going to know what I’m talking about when I say the emperor’s outfit looks like a Princpality of Zeon uniform? (Except for the caftan, natch…)
So I take it you don’t like Warhammer 40k visual design, then, as it is really all about “every era ever, mishmashed together depending on what planet you’re from.”
You know, if the siege has been going on for nearly 6 years, I don’t think the surprised exclamation mark is needed that they are still holding out.
@RAC: Yeah, it does a bit, though it really needs to be
darkgreen rather thanpinkmagenta, both for a closer look and purely to limit the fashion atrocity.(Except for the caftan, natch…)
Zeon and Neo-Zeon being much more into shoulder-capes, of course.
Dear God… my eyes! My eyes!!!
@RAC: So is the Federation Europe? Will there be a Titan-like group and where the hell is Rex?
Future fashion should be like the first season of Buck Rogers: metallic spandex and glitter EVERYWHERE.