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As always, you can also go to the dedicated Al’Rashad site.
A sidenote: Davinder is right now completing his practicum for teacher’s college, which requires a lot of work and attention. He’s trying to get pages out as regularly as possible but more and more it’s looking like we’re going to have to have some skip weeks. However, I’d like to do a prequel story or two; I just need an artist to do so. This would be a straight work-for-hire gig, moderately fast turnaround time, with compensation – not token compensation (“exposure” is not money! A few bucks per page is not ENOUGH money!) but not big-leagues compensation either. If you’re interested or know someone who is, shoot me an email and we’ll talk.
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4 users responded in this post
[…] Okay, not a return, but definitely an opportunity; I have in the past mentioned Christopher Bird and Davinder Brar’s Al’Rashad, which is a very good weekly comic full of adventure, intrigue, and sly humo[u]r. It seems that Brar (the art half of the partnership) will be a bit busy in the near term, which may necessitate some delayed updates; Bird wishes to keep the comics flowing with a side-story or two, but will require an artist: […]
I kind of love the pilot’s voice. I hear it as vaguely Brooklyn.
Best creator subnoms yet.
I’m imagining the pilot as having more of a cockney accent than anything else. But that’s probably because I think of fantasy as being kind of a British genre in the first place.