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I don’t think Dana is that bad. Granted, I’ve seen all of the episodes, so I can recall worse even with dimming memories. And your idea of “Genie Phil” would have worked wonders in TAR3. I don’t hate Flo like I did then, but damn, still can’t believe she won first place with Zach.


One point for Dana (but immediately taken away due to the rest of her behavior): Matt really did instantly forget her directions on multiple occasions. She kept saying variations on “turn left, then look for E66” and he immediately responded with variations on “which way do I turn here?” or “you aren’t telling me which way to turn”.

I suspect both of them were dealing with massive KF in the heat, except she reacted by blowing up at anything & everything and he reacted by shutting down to a single processor unit that could either drive (or walk) or listen but not both at the same time.


Overall, Dana’s not that bad–I don’t even think she’s in my top twenty trainwreck racers, let alone my top ten–but this episode was probably her worst meltdown of the season.


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