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Minor point of correction: It was after the fifth race, where Chip carried Kim, that they did the equal-Roadblocks rule. It’s just that Chip is so good-natured that most people forget he did it – but no one who saw S3 will EVER forget FloZac.


But holy shit, non-elimination leg! Josh’s chivalry doesn’t cost them the Race

Yeah, it does. Not immediately, but (minor spoiler) it hoses them for the next leg. They Speed Bump the get as a direct result of Josh’s chivalry is the death of them an they could have avoided that if they hand’t acted like they weren’t on a race.

As Miss Alli used to say in her excellent recaps, “It’s not The Amazing Montessori School!” You’re racing. And while that doesn’t mean you have to act like an asshole, it does mean you don’t have to surrender position no matter what happens.

Josh could have been considerate to the person he was working the task with, not abandoned her and left her way behind as they walked to the restaurant, without letting her get to the checkpoint first.


@CFoxx: You’re absolutely right. It didn’t cost them the Race at that instant, but it was still a huge mistake on their part that they were unable to recover from. Especially given that they were just that day saying that being nice to pretty girls was a bad strategy and they should stop it.


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