From a very old issue of Batman:

(Incidentally, the story of this comic is that Signalman, pictured, keeps sending Batman clues – because he is a retard – and then narrowly manages to escape Batman every time without managing to steal what he intended to steal. Every time this happens, he celebrates, because he figures his repeated failures mean he is a big shot. Seriously. That is the plot. How did these guys manage to shave themselves without dying?)
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Kinda hard to hide in the shadows when your costume is bright yellow, ain’t it?
I’m not sure if you can screen these.
Google gives the results by searching for “broom atomic sign batman” 5 links down on this page:
Well, if you add “Batman” to your search, it’s kind of cheating.
Which would make you The Joker!
Signalman’s early 80s reappearance in the SSoSV was pretty cool, though. But then anything drawn by George Perez has a pretty high level of cool to start with.
Well, he’s dead now. So there is that.
Hey, it’s not like a big name guy like Batman can resist the urge to google himself once in a while. He adds “Bat” to everything else, after all.
Pshht, The Batman doesn’t google — he uses his custom-designed Bat-Search-Engine.
I don’t see the broom nor the atomic sign. Maybe I’m distracted by the giant fucking clock!
And what kind of beer is in that weird barrel in the back? This has the makings of the weirdest Antiques Road Show ever.
I bet villains don’t take it very well when the experts tell them their 15th century giant Bavarian leaf clock has “Made in China” stamped on the bottom of it. Also, is Signalman also an astrologer? Or does he just enjoy wearing fancy capes?
…Is that the Sinestro Corps symbol on that giant drum?
Incidentally, the story of this comic is that Signalman, pictured, keeps sending Batman clues – because he is a retard – and then narrowly manages to escape Batman every time without managing to steal what he intended to steal. Every time this happens, he celebrates, because he figures his repeated failures mean he is a big shot.
So basically he’s like the Riddler, except he doesn’t get beat up and taken to Arkham after his very first attempted crime? I think his self-regard is quite justified. It’s not about the stealing, it’s about the bragging rights: “I sent clues to Batman and escaped from the scene of my attempted crime – 4 times in a row! Beat that, Nigma!”
Except that Riddler’s actually totally completed crimes to plan from start to finish. I think Bane’s the only other Batman villain to have done that. Either way I cant udnerstand why more con-attendees don’t come dressed as signal-man; that cape has `first prize’ written all over it. In several languages.
Here’s a better plan to escape your crimes. Send Batman clues, but don’t bother even attempting to commit any crimes. Genius!
@ Salieri
Fear the beer!