37.) The British Like To Boil Food A Whole Lot

38.) When You Are The Greatest, They Give You A Small, Golden, Vaguely Phallic Trophy

39.) Egyptians Talk In Hieroglyphics

40.) Orgies Are Overrated

41.) TCHAC!

42.) Some People Should Not Wear Animal-Hide Togas

43.) Hindus Have A Lot Of Gods

44.) Soldiers Speak In Unison

45.) Violence Is Funny

46.) Don’t Let Your Emotions Get Away From You…

47.) …But That Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Manly To Cry Now And Then

48.) Don’t Set Yourself Up For An Obvious Trope

49.) Therapy Can Be Painful

50.) Always Make An Entrance!

51.) Multiple Flavour Options Are Good

52.) …Gee, Thanks

53.) The Little White Flag Was Originally Used To Mop Up Bloodstains

54.) There Are Strict Rules About Boarding Ships


56.) Luck Is The Most Important Thing In The World

57.) Sometimes You Are Particularly Aware Of Your Place In History

58.) Sometimes You Are Not

59.) Negotiate From A Position Of Strength

60.) Foreigners Are Funny And Have Funny Names

61.) The British Resisted Decimalized Currency For A Long Time Because They Thought It Was Too Complicated

62.) You Are Not Superman

63.) Compatibility Is Important In Any Potential Soulmate

64.) Friendship Makes You Fly (When Your Best Friend Is Super-Strong)


66.) Do Not Trust People With Untrustworthy-Sounding Names

67.) When Someone Is Defenseless That Is The Best Time To Clobber Them

68.) There Is A Time And Place To Stuff Yourself

69.) Do Not Look Like Medes

70.) If Someone Makes An Unpleasant Assumption About You, Kick Their Ass

71.) Do What He Says

72.) Never Give Up Your Weekend For Anything

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15 users responded in this post
Please do this every day for always.
For #40, the Roman on the left speaking, I read in the voice of Hedonism Bot.
What’s awesome about #69 is that it comes at the end of a long string of encounters with people while they’re in the Tigris-Euphrates valley, filled with different civilizations that are all beating the crap out of each other.
Can’t wait for Part Three. I hope you go no further than the India (aka Magic Carpet), though, the last good Asterix’s comic.
Ha ha, I’m pretty sure that it’s actually the artist (and later on, writer) of Asterix, Albert Uderzo, wearing the Animal-Hide Toga in #42.
I always thought all the eating scenes looked great, like everybody was having a fun time, except for the orgies. I wouldn’t know what an orgy even was for another five or so years, but they never ever looked any fun, everybody was so ghastly. And that is why I haven’t had one since.
I think you’ve got an unclosed b or strong tag in there somewhere.
It’s nice to know that the genius that is Albert Underzo is not forgotten.
Don’t forget René Goscinny! For my money the Goscinny/Uderzo collaborations are mostly better than the ones Uderzo did by himself, although after Goscinny died, Uderzo did create Asterix and Son and Asterix and the Great Divide, two of my favourites.
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@Mark: Actually, that’s Goscinny. Uderzo…it’s odd, usually they apepar together, but not in that scene. You can spot them earlier in that book, though, looking blank-eyed as witnesses to Asterix and Obelix’s trial.
Oops, you’re right. Thanks for the clarification, Salieri! I wasn’t one hundred percent certain and having started to read Asterix only after Goscinny sadly passed away, I’ve always associated Uderzo more closely with the comic.
Actually, you’re both mistaken.
That’s Jean Richard, a French actor.
#39 with the hieroglyphics is part of one of the funniest bits in the comic, with Obelix forcing that guy to talk. Great use of the medium!
Link added in ‘the vital statistix of asterix’ by naiadseye.wordpress.com at https://naiadseye.wordpress.com/2013/06/28/the-vital-statistics-of-asterix/