(It’s the last page of the first issue of Oracle: Battle For The Cowl.)
Top comment: Apparently the RIAA is not kidding around with copy protection. — malakim2099
(It’s the last page of the first issue of Oracle: Battle For The Cowl.)
Top comment: Apparently the RIAA is not kidding around with copy protection. — malakim2099
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I… What?
Jesus H. Christ on a cheesecake.
I hate to ask, but who got the extreme haircut?
Seriously DC – WTF?
Apparently this was a hacker friend of Babs’, Jason.
Glad I read a synopsis instead of buying it.
“Remember that scene in Scanners when that dude’s head blew up?”
Blue: Then why does he have tits. Don’t tell me they’re man boobies, their too perky.
Oh, good grief.
What? Why?
I don’t think that’s worse than Superboy Prime dismembering D-list heroes.
Blue: misread your reply. I thought you said the friends name was Jason. Cause I’m idiotic.
Thankfully, the artist and colorist rendered the blood and bits of meat as the same, consistent substance. Hence, the kiddos out there will assume the “victim” wasn’t a real person, but a person-shaped vessel containing lots of yummalicious jam.
So… how does this asploded head end in Babs walking, and being Batgirl again?
bunnyofdooom: I thought Blue was saying the unheaded individual in question was named Jason, too.
Don’t worry, I’m sure DC will find a way to un-unhead this person eventually.
Good lord.
What the hell did Oracle DO to that poor woman?
The hell with comics, I’m buying my infant niece Grand Theft Auto 4.
Apparently the RIAA is not kidding around with copy protection.
I guess they saw that Ultimatum stuff and wanted on the pointless super violence train, too.
Wait a minute…people DIE in comic books?
Matt- Like Ultimatum started this. DC’s been all graphic violence, all the time for several years now.
hell yeah, an excuse to post this:
Cordialatron: Very nice. The twisted effect on Max’s neck is a very good touch.
(I’m assuming that the goofy lady by Ray Palmer was Jean Loring?)
Thanks, BluePard.
Who wrote this? I should’ve known something would be her with Babs showing cleavage on the covers of her miniseries. Wake me when Gail Simone writes her again.
Ehg. This is a tired meme.
This is exactly what happened to me when I saw 2girls1cup.
I did too, at first. For I am idiotic as well.
Jason’s brain juice has curative properties, I bet.
Someone wake me when DC is writing good stories again.
Blackest Night doesn’t count. Because Hal’s going to have every color ring available, this much is becoming rather obvious.
Of course. In order to stop the Black Lanterns they’re going to need a White Lantern – which is formed through the use of every other colored ring. And when the bad guy behind the Black Lanterns reveals one final gambit and shatters the awesome and obviously angelic power of the White Lantern, the Green Lanterns will re-emerge and save the universe.
blah, blah, blah.
I remember seeing a tabloid once that said “Hackers can make your computer EXPLODE.” Apparently they were not going far enough.
The true danger is Second Life making your HEAD explode.
The tragic but inevitable consequence of the “Setting people up to see Goatse for the first time” meme.
“Of course. In order to stop the Black Lanterns they’re going to need a White Lantern – which is formed through the use of every other colored ring. And when the bad guy behind the Black Lanterns reveals one final gambit and shatters the awesome and obviously angelic power of the White Lantern, the Green Lanterns will re-emerge and save the universe.
blah, blah, blah”
HAL will re-emerge and save the universe, you mean. I got into GL around Sinestro Corps War but it’s increasingly becoming Johns battering me over the head with how AWESOME the Silver Age (and especially Hal, who everyone loves and is Space Jesus and never even thought something nasty, EVER) was and it’s getting tiring.
Am I the only one who misread it is “Oracle: Battle for the Cow!”, a very exciting and dynamic story about disputed farm animals who apparently have extreme psionic abilities?
I read it the same way. It was the best double take I’ve had so for this year!
Uh oh! Looks like mama had a baby and her head popped off!
“battering me over the head with how AWESOME the Silver Age (and especially Hal, who everyone loves and is Space Jesus and never even thought something nasty, EVER) was and it’s getting tiring.”
How come it’s only tiring when a writer does it, and not all of the jacktards who say shit like, ‘wake me when DC’s writing good stories again like when I was a kid!’
wyrmsine: GTA4? That’s just cruel, man. Get her Vice City or something.
Andrew W: I would think because most if not all fans say shit like that and you can ignore them, but when one of those guys becomes the writer it’s a lot harder to dismiss him.
no Spoiler Tags?
Peter David will eat your soul for this.
Although he didn’t write this particular book.
Sadly I saw this too late to prevent myself from buying the damn thing.
When a totally gratuitous shower scene is more interesting than anything else in the book, something has gone wrong.
Notice the shirt.
Costra Nostra?
Obviously, Oracle’s pal was too slow at pizza delivery for Uncle Enzo’s tastes.
@Bret: Yeah, for what ever reason, the artist left off the “pizza delivery” part that was on her shirt throughout the rest of the comic.
“How come it’s only tiring when a writer does it, and not all of the jacktards who say shit like, ‘wake me when DC’s writing good stories again like when I was a kid!’”
Because they are morons who I can ignore, while Johns is a good writer who is turning a damn good series into a boring lovefest. (Basically what Lister Sage said).
That lady has awesome posture for someone who just had her head blown up/off/away.
Did the Joker shoot off some of Barbara’s fingers too? Because there is something real fishy going on with her right hand.
Yeah, not sure if this or the sexy wheelchair shower scene are in worse taste..
This demands meme. Just replace the computer screen! What horror is on the computer screen? Barack Obama winning the presidency?!? Two Girls One Cup?!? MGK…maybe?
“Oh, hell, I’ll just stuff MYSELF into the goddamn fridge and be done with it.”