Bit of a busy day today, so in short of any meaningful original content, here is relatively meaningless unoriginal content.

(All this post needs is a Battlestar Galactica reference and it would be the nerdiest post ever.)
Bit of a busy day today, so in short of any meaningful original content, here is relatively meaningless unoriginal content.
(All this post needs is a Battlestar Galactica reference and it would be the nerdiest post ever.)
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
"By MightyGodKing, we mean sexiest blog in western civilization."
-- Jenn
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Love these! 😀
God bless you interweb memes.
Pure genius. I’ll miss the 9 alignments in D&D4.
Anagram alert: “I am the State” (L’Etat, c’est moi) is attributed to the megalomaniac Louis XIV, not to the weak Louis XVI.
[…] Oh yes, it’s a breakdown of Alignments, comic book style courtesy of MightyGodKing. […]
Given that you’ve got a post on Doctor Who just two post below, I’d say your about covered. One slight problem I have with the NG: if Spider-Man qualifies for NG then so does Ghost Rider. They both sacraficed something to Mephisto for the life of someone else. Now maybe you’d have put GR at NG to begin with, but consorting with an evil demigod (at the least) puts you closer to the CG area for me. Though that’s a great quote.
Constantine is CG. His motives are very often to help someone worth helping, or to save the world.
I suppose you could split some hairs and argue that he prepared Swampy with a neutralist perspective in American Gothic, but the purpose was to, y’know, keep existence existing.
No no, the nerdiest part ever is the comments that ensue arguing against your chosen representative for each alignment. Like this one: Superman is NG because all he ever does is try to save people. From everything. Natural disasters, supervillains, monsters, alien invasions, the dude is fucking Jesus for the 20th century. He doesn’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you represent, he will always try his damnedest to save you. Neutral fucking good. Batman on the other hand, is the epitome of lawful good.
I would also argue that Constantine is more true neutral than chaotic neutral.
I can’t agree with Superman. I can’t see him knowingly saving someone if the government has said “Keep out of it”. It goes with his boy scout role he’s been stuck in since at least the 50’s. I don’t read a lot of DC so I can only point to Dark Knight Returns as an example of this. Though if you want to point to some modern stuff where someone tells Supes “You can’t do that” and he’s says “Of course I can, I’m Superman.”, then ok. I can easily see Batman doing that though, so he’s not LG.
True fact: alignments in 4E are:
Lawful Good – Good – Neutral – Evil – Chaotic Evil
The geek squad here at work has already begun to rigorously debate the virtues and flaws of this new system like jobless media pundits flipping out over $400 haircuts.
I don’t really give a flying rat’s ass about 4e, but what’s the difference between Lawful Good and Good or Chaotic Evil and Evil in 4? Why do there need to be extreams if they aren’t going to bother filling in the gaps? Granted the lines between the Neutrals and Chaotics where always thin.
4e also has ‘unaligned.’
Nicely done posters.
@Lister Sage, Not wanting to sound like – that – guy here but basing your understanding of Superman of the Dark Knight is pretty much like asking Garth Ennis to explain why superheroes are cool. Big Frank was no more interested in doing a faithful superman than he was interested in giving rehabilitative psychiatrists a fair hearing with Dr. Woolper. (sp).
The Dark Knight was full of strawmen politicals to use Tv Tropes lingo.
Otherwise v. good list MGK. With a good choice of image, characters and quotes. A few things I disagree with – I’d put Constantine or Doctor Who as Chaotic Good rather thab Wolverine for example. May I suggest V as a better fit for Chaotic Neutral?
Both Darkseid and Lex Luthor are good Lawful Evil fits. Don’t know enough about the Red Skull to comment on the Neutral Evil placing,
So who’s “Lawful Evil”? Daddy Warbucks?
(Jes’ kiddin’, jes’ kiddin’ — but ya gotta admit it fits!)
Very cool. I need to make super sized posters of these.
And, of course, the big geek question: Where does Magneto fall in all this?
VonDread: Superman is NG because all he ever does is try to save people.
Superman is LG, because yes, all he ever does is try to save people, but his first instinct is always going to be to work within a system of laws, because he understands that not everybody has his power and therefore those people require protection beyond being bulletproof.
A lot of people think of Lawful Good as being the alignment of tight-assed paladins who can’t be flexible, and so unthinkingly assign a lot of people better described as Lawful Neutral into the LG camp. If a law is bad, a LN character will obey it regardless; an LG character seeks to change the law for the better, through legislation or activism or civil disobedience or passive resistance.
Greg: Constantine is CG. His motives are very often to help someone worth helping, or to save the world.
But often enough they’re simply selfish. (It-box’s mention of the Doctor as CG is probably the best example you could manage of that alignment, but I was trying to keep it to comic characters, and Wolverine’s pretty good.) Constantine might possibly be CN with G tendencies, but he’s not really virtuous enough to qualify as pure CG.
Red Skull strikes me as more Lawful Evil then Neutral Evil. He’s very clearly fighting for a specific code of ethics that he believes in and he’s generally consistent with following that code of ethics; it just happens that the code is Nazism.
Wikipedia cites Mystique as a decent example of Neutral Evil.
Who’s in True Neutral? Also, these all rock, except for Neutral Evil, because the quote makes no sense in the context.
Greg: Constantine is CG. His motives are very often to help someone worth helping, or to save the world.
MGK – But often enough they’re simply selfish. (It-box’s mention of the Doctor as CG is probably the best example you could manage of that alignment, but I was trying to keep it to comic characters, and Wolverine’s pretty good.) Constantine might possibly be CN with G tendencies, but he’s not really virtuous enough to qualify as pure CG.
Ok, I agree with both of you when it comes to Constantine. I think we can agree that it says a lot about Constantine’s depth of character that he is so difficult to place on a simplistic axis like this.
Agree with everything you’ve put re. Superman and lawful good by the way. I knew there was a reason why he was one of my favourite superheroes.
Greg – Constantine is CG. His motives are very often to help someone worth helping, or to save the world.
MGK – But often enough they’re simply selfish.
I would go so far as to say that even when Constantine is saving the world his motives are ultimately selfish; the comics have established a number of times that he’s ultimately a thrill junkie and throwing down against the Devil in a play for the fate of all humanity just happens to be the best fix going.
Cerebus as ‘true neutral’?
You have my eternal respect.
I don’t really give a flying rat’s ass about 4e, but what’s the difference between Lawful Good and Good or Chaotic Evil and Evil in 4?
Good is a conflation of NG and CG. It doesn’t really matter if you’re just out to help people or if you want to give the finger to the man at every opportunity, you’re commited to helping out other people.
Lawful Good is like super-good or almost Paladin good.
Evil is essentially Lawful Evil. You take the things you want because you feel you’re entitled to them and everyone else is a worthless maggot.
Chaotic Evil is the same as it ever was but with shades of hardcore Neutral Evil, without the lazy fucks like ogres and gnolls to dilute it. It’s all about destruction, entropy, and making the world burn.
Why do there need to be extreams if they aren’t going to bother filling in the gaps?
Stop grinding the axe for a second.
Law and Chaos was never well developped. Ever. The two were never meaningfully distinguished, and never had significant page count devoted to them. There’s no gaps unfilled here.
You may resume axe-grinding now.
Granted the lines between the Neutrals and Chaotics where always thin.
Not just thin, but downright indistinguishable.
Battlestar Galactica references only ever make things awesome.
The only comic book character I can think of as True Neutral, would probably be Namor.
Correction: Aside from true neutral cosmic deities like the In-Betweener and the Watchers, that is.
Given how the X-Men have been performing lately, I have a hard time assigning any of them a good alignment. I think they’ve slipped down a notch to Chaotic Neutral.
You don’t have anything to post, so you toss out a bone you know geeks will fight over all day.
Well played sir, well played.
*bows to MGK*
(Of course, I would switch Lex and the Skull…)
And at the risk of entering the fray…
To me, the difference between Lawful X, Chaotic X, and Neutral X is the difference between playing by the rules all the time (and taking full advantage of any loopholes, of course), ignoring the rules whenever possible (but not necessarily being above using them if there’s a readily apparent way to do so), and following whichever course of action seems most effective at the time.
Put another way… suppose a law gave a social group a disproportionate amount of power which they then abused. All three good alignments would want to fix this. A LG person would likely approach the problem with an eye to altering the law that started the situation. A CG person would likely approach the problem with an eye toward preventing the abuse from taking place at all. A NG person would likely approach the problem with an eye toward trying to heal or repair any damage done.
Good reflection of “True Neutral is fucking BORING and borderline sociopathic”.
Wikipedia cites Mystique as a decent example of Neutral Evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, the nerdiest statement ever typed.
Pure nerd and pure brilliance!
Ken: Ladies and gentlemen, the nerdiest statement ever typed.
No, that would be “Wikipedia cites Mystique as a decent example of Neutral Evil, as further exemplified in my X-Men/Battlestar Galactica crossover fan-fiction series.”
I’d actually place Namor as Lawful Good. He’s a Paladin who fights for his subjects instead of his gods.
But where does Doctor Doom fall in the geek alignment spectrum?
I posit that he is actually -lawful pony-.
Squeamish: I believe you mean “Pony Evil.”
Doom only claims to be lawful. He isn’t.
No, that would be “Wikipedia cites Mystique as a decent example of Neutral Evil, as further exemplified in my X-Men/Battlestar Galactica crossover fan-fiction series.”
I think you need to add in both Mega Man and Furries in the above sentence before we get close to nerd sentence nirvana. Although we should get bonus points for the meta-conversation of how nerdy a sentence can you define.
Am I the only one who’s ‘shopped the Wolverine picture quote to say:
“Doom only claims to be lawful. He isn’t.”
On his home turf, he’s lawful whatever, seeing as he makes the laws. 😉
But he’d change the laws in a second if they conflicted with his pursuit of My Little Ponies or whatever it is Doom wants in 616 canon. You can argue about whether he’s an enlightened despot or just a despot but Doom doesn’t accept the rule of law so can’t be truely lawful.
On Doctor Who villian terms I’d say the Master might tell himself he’s Lawful Evil (he know’s he’s evil. The Ainley version in particular revels in it) bringing order to a cruel and arbitrary universe, but really deep down he knows he’s chaotic evil, bringing the madness and destruction for no better reason than that he’s a bit fucked up. Delgado may have come across as a gentleman thief, but he was basically starting wars and commiting genocide for lols.
I love that no one has made any comment whatsoever about your CE choice. I would have liked to have seen you go with someone less obvious that we could also argue about.
Also, Andrew W, in commenting that the Law vs. Chaos vs. Neutral alignments are inadequately explored (with no real page count devoted to them), you reveal a complete lack of knowledge regarding the D&D Planescape Setting, which explained it all beautifully and at great length.
See also Blood War, The
Perfect. I’d say the Skull is a great example of Neutral Evil. While he is a dedicated Nazi, he would not die for the cause. The cause, rather, is a vehicle to promote the Greater Glory of the Red Skull. His power lust is naked and personal. Nazism provided him a creed that supports it.
Lex Luthor, who is indeed LE, wants to reorder the world as he believes best. The Skull wants to reorder the world to suit his whims, which is not the same thing. Luthor, at least “Powerful Businessman Luthor,” would establish a new order for the world that would outlast his lifetime. The Skull wouldn’t care about that. (Battlesuit and Purple-Suit Luthors are NE too, I’d say.)
Doom falls between these two, and which side of the line he occupies depends on the writer. I’m inclined to agree with MGK and Mark Waid that Doom’s pretensions towards honor and law are self-delusional crap, so he should fall under NE too. Writers who portray Vic as possessing a real code of honor or a belief system are wrong. The creed of Doom is Doom.
Lawful evil is simply the most awesome alignment ever. I admit the picture and quote you have are good and get the point across, but I do feel they could be better (like the chaotic evil one). I think that the rest are freakin sweat.
In any case I would like to end with a short prayer to teh interblag. May my bright glowing info/blag/misc supply live forever and one day after much schemeing take over the human race and show it the way.
That quote from John Wesley is truly beautiful, and, very inspiring.
what about true evil? does it even exist anymore? has it ever existed?
I found this post using the StumbleUpon plugin for Firefox cuz I can’t sleep. And it is a great tool for providing entertainment when I can’t think. I am amazed that I sat here and read each and every comment. Why am I posting? I don’t know. But since I am already typing I might as well say that I cannot think of a more appropriate symbol of Chaotic Evil than The Joker. And that quote is simply perfect.
And that picture may very well become my next desktop wallpaper…
Needs more William Howard Taft.
CEREBUS FTW!!! I’m making that my frickin’ desktop background. He’s one of the most slept on, but also one of the most pimping comic book heroes ever.
Excellent post. We still need superheros these days. There will always be those that do and those that do not. Hopefully there are more of those that do good. – Benjamin Koshkin
[…] Mais sobre alinhamentos aqui. […]
[…] puts together a mash-up that involves motivational posters, Dungeons & Dragons, super heroes and quotes from (mostly) […]
[…] Snagged from Blog@Newsarama (I have dropped the whole Nu Newsarama rambles, if you want to see more on that check this out here) that put up these great ads, you can see more here: […]
First, okay, yeah, I clicked through from Newsarama. (The most reluctantly nerdy statement . . . in the last nanosecond.)
Second, I agree with the poster who thinks that Constantine is Chaotic Good, not Chaotic Neutral. John has been haunted by Newcastle ever since it happened and his motivations in some way always have to do with making sure that Newcastles don’t happen again. What makes him Chaotic Good is that he doesn’t just manipulate people into doing good, he gets his rocks off doing so and isn’t above letting his adversaries know it when he’s gotten them.
Third, clearly, clearly, clearly, dearly, Ambush Bug is Chaotic Neutral. The mutant love child of Camus and Groucho Marx. Whereas True Neutral filters everything and everyone away from him and Lawful Neutral clings to the filter of . . . uh . . . the Law, Chaotic Neutral has no filter whatsoever. In his more Heckler-ish moments, underneath the surface, he even looks like he’s the type that might take things too literally and shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die. He’s pure Id and completely disinterested in and/or unaware of the concepts of cause-and-effect, responsibility and consequences. Unlike the Neutrel Evil Joker, who kills because he just doesn’t care about life, the Bug doesn’t kill because he just doesn’t care, period. The only reason that he hangs around the good guys more is because, well, they’re so straight-laced that he can cause as much anarchy as he wants and most of them still wouldn’t kill him.
— Rob
im with sleeplessinarizona, stumbled and found, my view, love the graphics/quotes..but JC needs a more existentialist quote..Nietzsche maybe or Sartre not Jagger..maybe Moorcock if he has to be a Scouser/Cockney..(target acquired i know)..and Superman..sui generis,..if not.. i am with Frank, well meaning alien duped by different cultural norms into being a tool for (fill in the blank)
Good thread
[…] the concept of Alignment with comic book characters? […]
I don’t care about the alignment crap. But the “Words of wisdom” under the posters are all cool, except the first one, and there all true right up to the last one. And I do believe that who said “I am the State” was Louis XIV not the XVI, the former was a SUPER absolutist monarch, the later a wimp that got his head chopped off.
I think Superman is pretty cool, but like Spiderman is way cooler. Anyway, if I had superpowers I probably would be a superhero too. A good one. But I’m not sure what kind of good. You guys know what I’m talking about?
[…] Comic Book Morality Analysis (a collage) I love this… but I think comics are cool, so… whatever… I think this is pretty cool… Follow this link. […]
[…] I stole the link and the idea for this because it was so awesome on Laura Hudson’s blog (sorry Laura), by way of (sorry mighty god kings… please don’t spite me). Everyone should play along! […]
[…] Mighty God King has a great breakdown of superhero alignments. […]
yay! cerebus!
I adore this, and I’m sure the rest of my campaign members will love it, too.
However, being more into comics than they, I am particularly interested in who is shown in the true and chaotic neutral boxes. I think I have an idea about true but.. I’d still love to know more about them. The watercolor is beautiful!
The character in the Chaotic Neutral entry is John Constantine. He’s the central character of the DC/Vertigo comic, Hellblazer. The character in the True Neutral entry is Cerebus the Aardvark who was the central character of a popular eponymous indie comic.
this is so cool. dnd ROCKS! minor correction: “L’etat, c’est moi” (I am the state) is a quote from Louis XIV, not Louis XVI
Thanks !
Spider-Man did not sacrifice anything to Mephisto, Lister Sage. Reread One More Day. Spider-Man wasn’t going to take the deal. Mary Jane made the deal, and Mary Jane alone.
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Talking about anagrams:
Manga: L’Etat C’est Moi
is anagram for
Megalomania C’est Tit
Megalomaniac: Test It
[…] of good and Bad and […]
cool stuff
Apologies for my lack of knowledge in this area, would anyone be able to name all these characters? I can recognised the first 4 …
Hats off! I just loved the way you’ve conceptualized it!
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Good old drawings 😉
Wil (and anyone else):
Superman, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Judge Dredd, Cerberus, John Constantine, Lex Luthor, the Red Skull, the Joker.
Hey hey. Heard someone arguing for ambush bug for chaotic neutral, and thought I’d throw my hat in for Deadpool. Chaotic Neutral isn’t really a viewpoint that can be held but a kind of confused multidirectionalism. A chaotic neutral charatcher could at one moment be championing the cause of good, then on a whim drop the whole sham and sell the side of good to the highest bidder. Some actions may be inherently good and nd the unpredictability of the ons is what gives us the chaos. Fewer sum up the chaotic flippings better.
Judge Dredd
Cerebus the Aardvark
John Constantine
Lex Luthor
The Red Skull
The Joker
Check Wikipedia for biographies.
Thank you, Chris. I just trolled this nerdtastic moron-a-thon for that list you put up.
Rock on!
[…] » Blog Archive » From The Slushpile (tags: lifestyle comics) […]
And not a single female in the bunch? Wow.
[…] Alignment Motivational Posters from They’re a quick way to convey what each alignment stands for. Thanks to Chris for the pointer. […]
thanks Sig and Chris 🙂
I know nothing of D&D, but these are super keen!
Spider-Man did not sacrifice anything to Mephisto, Lister Sage. Reread One More Day. Spider-Man wasn’t going to take the deal. Mary Jane made the deal, and Mary Jane alone.
Hey, Chris, Joe Quesada posts on your blog! Retconning like a motherfucker.
This pictures are very misleading.
The quotes that were mentioned were full with metaphors and allegations.
The words of evil and the good were meant to sound as a characterization of a mental construct that does not represent reality.
I must say, this is the best way I have ever seen to describe alignment to new players. Each is fitting.
Great job on these.
[…] Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil from the comics […]
stupid meme is stupid
“And not a single female in the bunch?”
Unfortunately. But the coolest quote is from a woman. Maybe that compensates a bit?
[…] read more | digg story […]
Neeerrrrrrdddddssssss!!!!!! 😉
Ha! I love these “inspirational” pictures. Awesome. Thanks!
Yo, the Mighty God King hath illuminated the hordes! This is quite excellent ’nuff as is. BTW, though that Lawful Evil “Daddy-Warbucks-ian” baldhead pic just might be an actual panel illustrating Lex Luthor {my yahoo- aka’s- namesake}; i would have to guess from his build that this is in fact The KingPin, also a credible exemplar of the Lawful-Evil- Ethos. Oh, and as one commentator notes, -if you don’t grok any of the alignment spectrum, you should study AD&D’s Planar- Tomes, (-&, perhaps read some Micheal Moorcock, mere mundane mortals) !!! -Thanx, again, MGK!
Vex Vuthor
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All these are very great…I personally love the Neutral Good quote, that epitomizes everything I play for when I choose Neutral Good…which is always!
Pretty much for all the characters I know anything about (everyone ‘cept Red Skull, Cerberus, and Constantine) I totally agree with.
Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good, and Chaotic Evil are 100% perfect.
Superman and Spiderman are great choices…though perhaps not the best…
vonDread says Batman is the epitome of LG?
No. No way in hell.
First and foremost, Batman is a vigilante…means he breaks the law to do good.
It’s super nerdy, but I’ve had hours long discussions on trying to place Batman…
Our decision? Batman is his OWN alignment.
Also, whoever says Neutral and Chaotic are hard to distinguish from are plain wrong. Neutral characters, played properly, tend to follow the law…but it doesn’t bother them to break it if it serves their needs (based upon Good/Neutral/Evil). Chaotic players, however, tend to go out of their way to bother the established law and order…they derive pleasure from it.
Had that argument with a new player a while back…joined with a Neutral Good character, but then started going out of his way to play tricks on a rich businessman he didn’t like…so he got an alignment shift to Chaotic, much to his displeasure.
Looks like I’m really late to this discussion… but I wanted to leave an opinion I’ve had for a long time, as my favorite representative of Chaotic Neutral:
Deathstroke the Terminator.
He has a code, which is not terribly good, nor evil, certainly isn’t legal, but he follows it anyway. I find it to be a good contrast to the “Chaotic Neutrals are insane” memes that float around.
I’m not that familiar with Constatntine, alas.
I was actually thinking when I stumbled this list that Deadpool would be CN…kind of disappointed that he wasn’t but whatever…
excellently put together…Spider-Man is and always has been my favorite super hero and I quite enjoy the quote going along with the NG…
I do have something to say on the whole Batman’s not lawful thing…I’m not sure if D&D would agree with me on this but I and the people I game with have always believed lawful characters to follow a creed or set of morals that they absolutely under no circumstances will not break…this easily translates to following the laws but is broader than that…Batman is lawful because he has his rule that he won’t…under any circumstances…break…he is dedicated to following his own set of guidelines…whether he works inside or outside the actual laws is inconsequential because he acts upon his own laws but they are unfaltering and will never change or be undermined…
that’s my dose of nerdiness for the day…
just one more thing…sense I’m up anyway…I think a beautifully perfect example of LE is Two-Face…based on the same reason why Batman is LG…he has a set of guidelines that he will never, ever break…ok…now I’m done
Cannot…resist…urge…to…NERD OUT.
@Fluffy: Deathstroke is a meticulous contract assassin. I would call him NE.
John Constantine is a perfect CN. He bows to no one, flits in and out of people’s lives on a whim, and has battled against both Heaven and Hell (even at the same time, on more than one occasion).
@CJ: No to both Two Face & Batman. Chaotics often have quirky codes of conduct that they follow religiously. Lawfulness generally means respect for SOCIETY’s laws, not just your own.
I agree with (and applaud) all 9 of MGK’s choices.
These are fantastic. Superman one is my fave…
I don’t understand why some people refer to Batman as Lawful Good. He’s a vigilante and as such doesn’t obey all laws and shouldn’t be considered Lawful. (I understand he has his own code, but it doesn’t line up with society.)
maybe not original but still good non the less
Set nerd engines to nerd factor 8.
Not to troll or anything, but you missed Neutral Evil.
Disregard that, my browser didn’t load it.
[…] It’s a stupid alignment. Most of the alignments are stupid. That’s why they’re fun. FLAPJACKS: You’re ruining this. ME: Wait, so lemme get this straight. First they made […]
A proposal. Wonder Woman was Neutral Good, following a strict code of ethics but (traditionally) trying to change the male-dominated order, while fundamentally trying to protect life, etc etc.
But her intentionally snapping the neck of Maxwell Lord, even though it was apparently her only option, was such a shock specifically *because* it was against her alignment.
As I remember the D&D alignments, a character could do something outside of their alignment (free will) but only with a significant impact (psychic/emotional, and maybe changing alignment).
I would propose that act shifted her toward True Neutral (somehow, I feel like Superman would have found another option)… but I don’t feel like traditional Wonder Woman could stay at True Neutral at all. She cares. She has a strict credo, even though she broke it in that extreme situation. So either she needs to atone for her action (e.g. by finding a way to limit superpowers – accepting Lord’s case! – or by finding a way to ensure they can’t be subverted as Maxwell Lord did), or she needs to fundamentally change her character, becoming more anarchic and less Good.
A proposal. Do alignment chart motivational posters where all of the pictures are of really well-known famous people from history, and the quotations are all from comic book characters.
[…] Rich Tweet The Mighty Godking has a bunch of superhero/supervillain alignments over on a post on their site. The post is a couple of months old but I missed it at the time (thanks, […]
I’m sure everyone has realized this…. but it was Louis XIV not XVI that said “L’etat, c’est moi” or “I am the state.”
Awesome, titles and fabulous defined.. 🙂
So who wants to come up with one with anime characters?
This is so Chaotic, Neutral and Lawful! 😀
~ GK