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The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on October 29th, 2012 at 1:53 pm

No, you see, “Total Blackout” on SPACE makes sense because outer space is totally black and stuff!

Seriously, though, how in hell do they justify that? I’m trying to find any link between anything in that show and science fiction, and failing utterly.

Mitchell Hundred said on October 29th, 2012 at 7:55 pm

Well, I am glad to hear that there is something being made in Vancouver that is actually set in Vancouver. The last thing I can remember fitting that description was Everything’s Gone Green. And that was written by Douglas Coupland, who is Contractually Obligated to set all his creations here.

Ed (Jack Norris) said on November 2nd, 2012 at 10:02 pm

Mitchell Hundred:
Well, that “Continuum” show’s set in Vancouver as Vancouver, so that’s something, whether you care for the show or not (and it’s even Science Fiction as well).

Referring to the article, maybe Toronto would get a better balance of Sci-Fi vs. mundane workplace dramas if you guys eased up on your weird obsession with the importance of office dress codes.

Seiously though, come to think of it, you do have “Lost Girl” and “Warehouse 13,” so you can’t say you never get any non-mundane shows there (though I guess only Lost Girl can be said to be set there, though I guess they might never say anything, I just assume on account of how Toronto-y everything looks*).

*Speaking of things looking “Toronto-y” does it help or offend that I always thought of that “Total Recall: the series” show as “Androids Of Torontopolis”?


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