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I have never watched an episode of The Amazing Race, but I am totally hooked on your reviews. I’m not so much rooting for anyone, but I’m definitely rooting against the Douchebros, thanks in no small part to your narrative. Thanks for the write ups!

Candlejack said on October 23rd, 2015 at 2:35 pm

Well, the Douchebros seem like they should be familiar with the Greek system.

Lame jokes aside, it’s always so satisfying when all the schemes of generally nasty people come to nothing. But it’s even better when it’s partly their own stupid fault.


What bothers me about Justin is not just that he gets annoyingly vocal when excited, it’s that he’s so very much the focus of his team. Diana might as well be a sexy lamp for all that we get to hear from her. I found myself rooting for them to get u-turned just to take him down a peg.


I kind of get the feeling that Diana likes it that way–my wife and I do that in social gatherings, because she’s an extrovert and I’m an introvert. She’ll do the introductions, keep the conversation going and be social until I get comfortable with the people I’m talking to, and it works out great.

I could be wrong, of course–it’s distinctly possible that Diana’s frustrated by the way Justin soaks up the oxygen in the room. But only time will tell.


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