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So I was wrong about Tanner reinjuring his ankle. On the other hand, they seemed less irritating this episode.


I cannot begin to describe to you how painful it was watching them slaughter the French. Those who aren’t watching it, just imagine the worst parody of bad French you can. Yeah.

Also, John, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the Ann and Mitt image. :b


@Sidney O: I agree, they were. Part of it was that they got less screen time in this episode–between Justin and Diana’s spat, Chris and Logan’s panic attacks, and Denise and James Earl’s tour of Paris, there just wasn’t much space to fit them in. And they weren’t doing anything nearly as interesting as their U-Turn strategizing, which justly took up the better part of the last couple of episodes.

Not being front-and-center benefits them, basically.


Was it just wishful thinking and cough syrup, or did Phil tell Justin to be nicer to Diane on their way out? Oddly enough, I could have gotten the French Republic’s motto sans plane, because it featured broadly in a Man From UNCLE rerun I saw about a month ago. Irrelevant, I know, but I enjoyed the coincidence.


@Bael: No, he totally did. He gets notified by the production team of what happened to the teams during each leg, and he will call people out on their bad behavior–in a relatively neutral fashion, since he wants to appear unbiased, but he will mention it if he thinks Racers have behaved badly.

TAR 6 was notorious for this–one of the Racers shoved his wife at the Pit Stop, and Phil called him out. Also in TAR 7, he called out Rob and Amber for driving past another team who’d rolled their car (the Racers weren’t hurt, but there was an injured cameraman).


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