Every Thursday, mightygodking.com returns to the pages of Who’s Who, the classic 1980s DC comic book encyclopedia of their characters. Every week, a character shall be judged on the only scale scientific enough that matters: the Rex The Wonder Dog scale of fantasticosity.

So who’s this guy?
He’s Unimaginable.
Yeah, but who is he?
I just told you.
You did?
Yeah, I did. He’s Unimaginable.
I get that, but what’s his name?
That’s his name.
Is his name?
What does he do?
He’s Unimaginable.
I thought that was his name.
It is also his thing.
His thing is that he is unimaginable.
So he can do anything.
Well, he couldn’t convince the Justice League to let him join.
He wanted to join the Justice League?
That seems kind of imaginable to me.
Well –
I mean, I can imagine joining the Justice League.
Fair enough.
So he’s not really unimaginable.
Well, he might be unimaginable. He might not be very imaginative, though.
How did the Justice League beat him?
They probably came up with –
A ha! You were going to say “a plan!” But to have a plan to beat somebody, you have to imagine their weaknesses! That means the Unimaginable is imaginable!
You have trapped me in the sharp points of your logic.
That’s nothing. I could also prove that black is white, but I don’t want to get run over at a zebra crossing.
Wise of you.

Because essentially the Unimaginable is Mr. Mxyzptlk minus the derby hat. But come on, what would Mr. Mxyzptlk be without the derby hat?
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19 users responded in this post
That’s nothing. I could also prove that black is white, but I don’t want to get run over at a zebra crossing.
Wise of you.
Zing! The ghost of Douglas Adams applaudes you.
So what does he/she/it rate in Rex the Wonder Dogness?
The RtW image isn’t showing.
I can not continue with my day without knowing this unimaginable score!
You had an extra mightygodking.com in the url.
please let this be a single-digit rexatronic rating.
Nice Hitchhiker’s reference.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
But… I can imagine Rex The Wonder Dog! I can even imagine 51% of Rex The Wonder Dog!
If I were unimaginable, I sure wouldn’t let anyone try imagining me with a big ol’ dinghy head.
He can anything and he just wants to join the JLA?
Infinite cosmic power, remarkably low self-esteem.
So wait, is he that blue lightning thing or the guy with the weird big head?
Instead of a percent of Rex, it should have just been a big “?” since he/she/it is unimaginable.
I love how all the JLA needed to get over the whole affair was a nice nap. There should be more comic books that end with “…And after they all had a nice nap, everything was back to normal.”
For a second I thought this was the Grant Morrison Doom Patrol villain whose superpower was “whatever you haven’t imagined yet.”
The only other thing I can’t imagine, other than the Unimaginable itself, is how it got such a high rating.
What is the square root of a three dimensional object?
Infinite cosmic power, remarkably low self-esteem.
There are some who’d argue that’s a pretty accurate description of God. Then again, Yahweh hasn’t tried to join the JLA.
So this is who Lovecraft was always nattering on about! He seems a nice enough guy. And a doctor, too!
There are some who’d argue that’s a pretty accurate description of God. Then again, Yahweh hasn’t tried to join the JLA.
But he might want them to worship him, which is kind of like not only wanting membership in the JLA but also wanting them declare you their new leader.
Oh, but this is the villain responsible for this famous image:
Just for that alone, I demand his score be upped by ten percent.