Guess who gets arrested after a collision: the rich white drunk driver or the poor black sober one.
Guess who gets arrested after a collision: the rich white drunk driver or the poor black sober one.
Erick “Not An Actual Viking” Erickson is on a tear lately. Now that he’s told us all how black people aren’t actual voters and that white Democrats are all racists for not voting for Barack Obama (except those that did, but they don’t count), he’s attacking NOW New York for their attack on Ted Kennedy […]
Well, examining my daily hitcount and reader totals as I am wont to do, I note that yesterday’s linkback from PvP better than tripled my usual readership. In this spirit, I would like to announce the following upcoming posts: “Are Gabe And Tycho Seditious Communist Agents? The Evidence” “Joss Whedon: Serial Plagarist” “Feist Is A […]
Me, on Test The Nation: Look, they said to brandish it enthusiastically. I was only following orders.(Picture courtesy Lau.)
ACCEPTABLE WAYS TO REFER TO THE WRITER OF THIS HERE BLOG “Christopher Bird” “Chris Bird” “Bird” (everybody does this, really, I’m cool with it) “Mighty God-King” “Mighty God King” “Mightygodking” “MGK” “Love Muffin” “Pretentious Loudmouthed Asshole” UNACCEPTABLE WAYS “Mighty Godking” (Look, I know this is partially my fault because of the first top banner I […]
Once again, my weekly TV column is up at Torontoist. (I would also recommend Torontoist’s new advice column, which is the only advice column I have ever seen that answers the question “where do I go to get some weed?”)
Read the classic adventures of the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats. Feds cut interest rate to zero in “emergency effort.” John Seavey on how to save Marvel Comics (part one). Blogger guy appeals to the Davos Forum. And then Emma Thompson (of all people) responds. (If Emma Thompson is reading this, my question to her is: do you […]
I have a few more of these stored up but I think resuming the campaign would be… just kind of wrong, honestly. So they’ll come when I am at a loss for content, or I am bored, or I feel like it. I was planning to let them sit for a while, but then this […]
Or a paid operative, or a spam-flunky for a political campaign. Figure A. From myDD. Figure B. From Marc Ambinder’s blog:
Deep-fried Mars bars are A) very sweet and B) very VERY sticky. It was an experience, and not a bad one either, but definitely not one I think I’ll repeat any time soon. I think there’s still some of it in the back of my mouth a day later after brushing my teeth twice. Seriously, […]
Shorter Erick Erickson: the party running a black man as a serious presidential candidate is totally racist because white people actually vote for candidates other than him. Some choice bits: In New Hampshire, white Democrats turned out overwhelming to reject the uppity black man who dared to challenge the Democratic establishment. “Overwhelming” in this case […]
2004: 2008: EDIT TO ADD: Since Teh Mighty Kurtz hisself has seen fit to link back to me, I feel it only fair to mention where I previously did not that I think this works more as a funny unintentional tie-in gag more than anything else (with Brent being exasperated with Cole because Cole is […]
1.) It is kind of pointless to run from a possessed gun. The gun can shoot you faster than you can run. 2.) Guns don’t kill people – demon guns kill cowards. 3.) If you have a fey moustache, it is your own damn fault if a possessed weapon kills you, Mr. Nancy Boy. 4.) […]
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
"By MightyGodKing, we mean sexiest blog in western civilization."
-- Jenn