ITEM! Marvel Comics have the rights to Marvelman! Oh my god, how amazing is that? Marvel, Marvelman, it’s like God intended this to be! Okay, so maybe Marvel doesn’t necessarily yet have the rights to the Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman stories that are the only reason anybody other than the most devoted of British comics nerds gives a shit about Marvelman, but I’m sure that twenty years of lawsuits will all go away now. And if they don’t – well, given how well the Sentry has proven that a Superman analogue character can fit into the Marvel Universe, I know I can’t wait for a Captain Marvel (Shazam, not black lady or alien guy) analogue to fit into the Marvel Universe! I totally bet Norman Osborn hires him and then WHOOPSIE Kid Marvelman rapes the entire population of Melbourne to death. And then Hawkeye will go on TV and say “see? Norman Osborn is bad.” All this and more, brought to you by the pending Marvelman creative team of Zeb Wells and Phil Jiminez!
ITEM! Longbox announced a whole new bunch of companies that make, like, one comic apiece signing on to their digital download service. Meanwhile, Marvel announced their brilliant new digital delivery content model: comics on iTunes! Well, sort of comics. They are comics with “animated panels and voice-over work from popular actors.” (I bet you didn’t know Tony Stark sounds just like Seth Green!) Given how critically brilliant that whole “Watchmen The Motion Comic” thing was, I’m sure this will be every bit as good! And come on, it’s Marvel Comics – is there a comics company with a better track record of digital delivery than Marvel?
ITEM! DC Comics has finally acquired the rights to T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents. Dan Didio explains he’s been trying to get that done for a long time. (This may or may not explain a whole lot about DC Comics.) Apparently the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents will be brought into the DC Universe, which will be great because look how well that worked for the Milestone superheroes!
ITEM! Red She-Hulk was originally going to be Dark She-Hulk but they changed it at the last minute. This is all part of the plan for World War Hulks next year! The year after that comes Civil Wars! And then possibly Red Reigns. Says Joe Quesada: “Pluralization is the new dark. Or possibly red.” New titles from Marvel will include renaming Deadpool Redpool. He will also get a new costume, which will be even more red than previously!
ITEM! Jeff Smith does more Bone comics. (I actually have nothing sarcastic to say about this, other than possibly a potential comparison to The Silmarillion.)
ITEM! Did you know Lost and Chuck and Heroes are coming back for another season? Well, they are! I bet you didn’t know that! The producers had special panels to tell fans that the upcoming seasons would be “more awesome than ever” and that “we’ll tie together a lot of unanswered questions,” and “you’ll be blown away.” Amazingly enough, the producers of Jonah Hex, Twilight: New Moon, Iron Man 2, Avatar, Tron Legacy, and Prince of Persia all said exactly the same thing! There’s going to be a whole lot of blown away fans next year! (The producers of Glee also said all of this, but the fans just asked them where the vampire zombies were.)
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27 users responded in this post
But it’s a movie trailer that will BLOW YOU AWAY!
Good points.
Yep, Heroes is coming back, and considering Bryan Fuller, the guy every one pinned their hopes and dreams on to save it is not…I have even less reason to watch it than I did before.
(I admit I was a fan the first season, but those since have taught me the error of my ways, as I’ve watched it get shittier* and shittier and…)
* Not a word I would normally use, but no polite equivalent suffices.
Item: Fox executives refuse bar Futurama voice actors from the Futurama panel, make them pay their own hotel costs!
But I like watching trailers!
No comment on the scandal?
Wait, I thought Marvel specifically DID get the reprint rights to Marvelman/Miracleman. And that it was looking likely that Gaiman would finish writing the storyline he started way back when. Which seems pretty exciting to me…
You really should have hung out and gotten drunk with the artists over at Booth 1250. They know a pirate who can bring rum.
Look, there was a teaser trailer for Tron: Legacy, I’m satisfied.
“is there a comics company with a better track record of digital delivery than Marvel?”
Unfortunately, no. And say what you will, but at least they’re trying.
And at least I’ve heard of Marvelman. I had to look up T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents on Wikipedia. Can’t say I’m impressed.
I don’t understand why DC would bring back the Multiverse…then shoehorn all these other properties into their universe.
Also, if Marvelman/Miracleman is NOT reprints? Then, fuck it. I’m not interested.
You missed
ITEM!Hot chick declared Booster Gold’s number 1 fan and put on the cover to sell t-shirts. Fans utterly confused by this.
Also isn’t way too early to call the Milestone character merger a failure? I mean right now it’s not that much worse than the Charleston merger (need a villain or a sacrifice for a big event? Score!) or the Captain Marvel merger (we don’t have a clue what to do with these guys. Hey, they’ve got some cool villains! And we can hit Superman with magic thunder!)
So.. these ‘Red’ Marvel characters.. Are these guys anything like purple smurfs or what?
Didn’t DC once get their hands on the rights to Judge Dredd?
As far as I know, the rights for Miracleman are tied up by Todd McFarlane. There was some fuss between him and Gaiman about them. If they are not going to finish the FUCKING EXCELLENT Miracleman run I’m not interested. Any bets on just how quickly Marvel can suck away everything interesting about the character?
The legal issues surrounding Marvelman/Miracleman are mostly settled at this point, though, as Gaiman commented, McFarlane could still try and sue again.
Barring that, reprints of the 80s series would just require Marvel reaching appropriate compensation agreements with the creators involved (Gaiman, Leach, Davis, Totleben; Moore, so far as I know, gave up his rights to Gaiman, and he earlier said that he’d support reprints and that his money should just be given to Mick Anglo). And Marvel has enough money to reach an agreement with McFarlane, one expects.
Bottom line, I can’t imagine Marvel would have gone to all the trouble of buying Marvelman and making a huge deal out of it if they didn’t expect to be able to reprint the most valuable stuff (Quesada commented on CBR that this news was potentially very bad for people like himself who paid $200+ for the out-of-print trades).
Oh, and Gaiman and Mark Buckingham have both said that they hope this will give them a chance to finish their story.
Ah, but where else could I get signatures by Jeff Smith, Sergio Aragones, Brian Lee O’Malley, and Matt Fraction, and forget to talk to Robert Downey Jr. due to seeing one of them?
Admittedly, the Kevin Smith panel demonstrated your thesis very well.
SC: Yes. On all counts.
Bah. The main point of SDCC is to spend way too much money in Artist’s Alley anyway.
Man, why you gotta be raining on my Marvelman parade?
this post needs more sarcasm
Will daredevil be Redevil or Dared?
I’m thinking the former if he is going to be an evil twin and the latter if he will have a skateboard and appeal to “kids these days with their music and hair”.
The real reason Marvel bought Marvelman is simple, they’re going to blackmail Alan Moore by threatening to let Jeph Loeb write the series if Moore doesn’t agree to work for them.
Okay hate to say it but with how well Zeb has handled New Mutants he could POTENTIALLY pull off a decent Marvelman comic…
… I feel scorn heading my way somehow
Flip The PAge: The thing is MGK’s mock Marvelman story isn’t all that far off from what Moore already did with the character. So if Zeb did write that story it would be completely in keeping with the Marvelman saga.
I haven’t read any Wells to make a judgment on the man, so I’d gladly read whatever he had to write. The only reason I haven’t so far is Venom does nothing for me and I’ve had an X-book embargo since the early 2000s (with a few exceptions).
What DID happen to the Milestone characters?
“And come on, it’s Marvel Comics – is there a comics company with a better track record of digital delivery than Marvel?”
…Every single webcomic-writer in the universe?