1.) He is a tiny alien in a tiny spaceship
2.) Who talks like Yoda if Yoda had gotten himself totally buzzed on like seven dozen espressos beforehand
3.) Or possibly like Spongebob Squarepants, again with the seven dozen espressos
4.) Or most accurately, a combination of Spongebob Squarepants and Yoda, buzzed out on caffeine
5.) Which come to think of it explains a lot of Quislet’s mindset really
6.) Stated official reason for wanting to fight crime: “What fun!” (Legion of Super-Heroes v3 #14)
7.) Brainiac 5 could never actually explain how his powers worked
8.) But so what, because his power was turning inanimate objects into giant warrior-smashy things and using them to beat up bad guys
9.) Seriously: tiny spaceship
10.) Which he stole
11.) From his home planet which is in an alternate dimension
12.) Frequency with which he would shout “hurrah” when beating up bad guys with inanimate objects
13.) Or when he was blowing things up by possessing them and then leaving immediately
14.) Essentially he is a sentient spark of energy
15.) From a world of sentient sparks of energy who really, really hate the concept of individualism
16.) And who really don’t like it when you shout “hurrah”
17.) Which is why when they recaptured Quislet, he basically invented lying (for sentient sparks of energy, anyway) by pretending that if they didn’t let him go the spaceship would blow up and kill everybody
18.) So he got to rejoin the Legion, and fought the Emerald Empress to basically a standstill before she blew up his ship
19.) Which forced him to return home, but not before he uttered the best last words of any comics character in history: “Never stop having fun!”
20.) Seriously. Tiny spaceship!

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25 users responded in this post
I have a theory that Quislet and The Weird are actually from the same dimension.
A genuinely alien alien, intent on having as much fun as possible. Still my favorite Legionnaire.
Man, Black Lantern Quislet is going to be *terrifying.*
So what I’m seeing here is that Flapjack stole MGK’s user creds for the site.
That, or our alter ego theory is panning out, and MGK is slipping.
Coolest sentient energy spark EVER and it’s still only getting 97 percent marks from you? Shame!
Hey, Rex sets the bar pretty damn high for those last few points.
If Mattel or DC Direct loved us, there’d be a Wildfire figure with a Quislet plugged into his back, like Booster and Skeets.
A Wildfire/Dawnstar/Quislet Threepack would get my money~!
Paul, that’s actually 92, so it’s even more shameful.
Then again, wouldn’t 100 be Rex himself? So being eight points from an awesome the likes of Rex is pretty damned good.
An alien who was bored of living on his dull home planet, so he stole a ship to fight evildoers? Sounds familiar… :cough:doctorwho:cough:
@JohnW Yes, because the two are so similar in every other way. And Dr Who invented the thrill-seeking runaway…
Quislet was fun, and it was heartbreaking that when he loses his ship he goes home to be executed, and no one talks about him anymore.
I’m pretty sure after Johns’ reboot he’s missing right now, meaning he could in theory still be out there.
Hell yeah Quislet.
One of the Legionnaires whose memory hasn’t been sullied by such things as the 5-Year Gap or Threeboot.
I never followed the Legion regularly enough to know anything about Quislet…so, in addition to the entertaining writing, thanks for filling in the gaps in my knowledge.
That was enough to make me a fan all by itself.
I may not know Quislet, but I know the Emerald Empress. Anyone who can stalemate her has got to be hardcore.
Anyone who can stalemate the Emerald Empress and considers it all part of having fucking FUN transcends hardcore by a number our feeble Earth-math can’t hope to calculate.
@Paul: In all fairness, you have absolutely no idea what a 1950s police box looks like in Quislet’s dimension.
I now have the formula for exceeding 100% of Rex The Wonder Dog:
Quislet + Skeets
If you multiply them (cause them to multiply?) the sheer level of awesome causes another reboot!
So he annoyed the rest of his race so much that they decided to blast him into space?
“CB: wouldn’t 100 be Rex himself? ”
I’m pretty sure Rex is 110% and that’s because he’s usually rounded down
“So he annoyed the rest of his race so much that they decided to blast him into space?”
So, hang on. He’s actually his planet’s Hulk?
[…] Posted by icymatt on November 6, 2009 Right up my alley. […]
Ah, poor ill-treated Quislet.
I already like Johns’ Legion stuff but if he brings the little guy back then I just don’t know what I’ll do I’ll be so geek-happy.
I always loved how much fun the artists would have with Quislet, and the creative shapes he/it would form things into. Quislet was strangely a good POV character for those of us who would love being in a futuristic super-hero universe. The character was well handled, especially since the whole ‘possess anything and then disintegrate it’ puts him at superman levels of scary when you think about it.
Quislet was the bomb, he was from my own personal golden age of comics…
Guess who’s back
Hurrah! Quislet is my favorite Legionnaire, and his “Never Stop Having Fun!” used to be my e-mail tagline.