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I don’t think I could pick out Tyler & Laura out of a lineup. As for insufferable winners . . . they don’t compare to the “hippies,” BJ & Tyler from TAR9. Or Eric & Danielle two seasons later, who really were NOT a couple despite the show trying to convince us otherwise. And what about Freddy & Kendra from TAR6? Perfect end to a dreadful season.


I guess Mike and Rochelle brought the Taxi Curse home from Peru.
I enjoyed it and would like to see it again. And you can’t suck air from a vacuum. By September, MGK may have more free time of his own. It’s the day job that keeps the lights on.

Laridian said on May 18th, 2015 at 6:28 am

I like these recaps, as I’ll never watch the shows themselves. And nothing else is posting anyway, so don’t feel bad about TAR recaps – if you weren’t posting, there’d be nothing at all for weeks. (I’m sure there’s a way to generate an email notification that the site has been updated but I don’t know what that is.)

TeraTelnet said on May 18th, 2015 at 7:08 am

I know I’ve enjoyed your summaries, John, and would really like to see more of them come September.


@Jason: I agree, there’ve been worse winners, but I think this is the first time in a while that there’s been an entire final three that I couldn’t root for. I emotionally checked out the second Mike and Rochelle were eliminated, and I’d be hard pressed to think of another Race where that was the case. Maybe TAR 20, but I could at least respect Dave and Rachel. (The way they took the wrong route, hit the Finish Line, were told they had to go back, doubled back to the Roadblock after the other teams were already there and still powered through it was one of the most dramatic bits ever.)

Candlejack said on May 19th, 2015 at 2:10 pm

I don’t know if lurker opinions count for much, but I’ve enjoyed the write-ups, and would like to see more.

I find the Amazing Race better in concept (and snarky summary) than I find it as a show. The people I root for seldom win, which I’m sure doesn’t help. But too often there’s such a clear bottom place that there isn’t a lot of drama to individual episodes.

Kate the Short said on May 19th, 2015 at 9:02 pm

Recaps: yes please!

Aardy R. DeVarque said on May 19th, 2015 at 11:52 pm

I started feeling better about Tyler & Laura when I learned they’re actually both big TAR fans who had applied for previous seasons with other partners, and tried to use their knowledge of the Race to, for example, analyze which Detour they should take based on how the show normally structures them–that’s one reason they clicked well off the bat and performed fairly consistently well up until they hit Killer Fatigue. The one time I can remember the Amazing Editors deigning to allude to this on the show was in Peru, when she mentioned that the cluebox is always next to the Speedbump.


I haven’t even watched Amazing Race in years, but I enjoy reading your recaps. They’re witty and incisive, and I’d enjoy reading more.


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