Welcome to the results of the 2018 Theszies / Rec.sport.pro-wrestling Awards.
This year we had 508 voters participating. As always, for next year we encourage all of you wrestling media people to nominate yourselves and your favorites, and try to get your fans out to vote for you. Fair is fair!
As always, thank yous to Justin Henry, Christopher Robin Zimmerman, Herb Kunze and all those who have previously run the Awards and contributed to their legacy; everybody who chipped in to promote the awards; all of you voters, of course; and finally and most importantly an extra-double-sized thanks to mgkdotcom’s Tech Guy, James Young, without whose invaluable assistance these Awards would almost certainly have failed to be anywhere near as successful and user-friendly as they in fact were.
The “Best” Award results can be found here.
The “Worst” Award results can be found here.
Finally, full ballot results for all Awards can be found here.
Thanks for voting, and we’ll see you next year!
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5 users responded in this post
Don’t remove the Worst Tag Team category, just refuse nominations on makeshift teams rather than established tag teams. Easy fix.
“WWE runs Crown Jewel” is more disappointing than someone literally getting cancer? You people are completely insane.
67step, while I can see where you’re coming from, there’s a world of difference between a wrestler getting cancer and a wrestling company supporting a murderous dictatorship.
Botchy Lynch wins wrestler of the year? For both male and females? Someone who was a jobber most of the year and really only had a big run of month or so at the end? C’mon. Ronda was clearly better than her.
I also disagree with removing the Worst Tag Team category. Especially with four tag divisions in the WWE conglomerate, not to mention the countless other companies from which we can mine nominations. I don’t see the thrown-together argument holding much water come 2020. Just one voter’s opinion.