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oletheros said on April 1st, 2009 at 9:25 am

i have to say that this falls into the category of “could be plausible” – you could very easily have the desire to write dr. strange. if it’s an april fool’s joke, it’s very subtle.


Needs more cowbell.

I mean, it’s an interesting premise, but… I don’t know… it needs more. I mean, I guess that’s why they should give you the gig. I just get the feeling that “blue’s gone, aliens done it, fundamental balance of the universe blah blah blah” requires a bit more weightiness too it, if only because you need to make people care.

Like, how would this impact day to day life? How would be suffer / exploit the situation? Watching the entire human population begin to suffer a bizarre degenerative disorder due to a lack of blue blood, or a series of airplane collisions in a confusing gray sky, or a sudden rise in counterfeiting – as things like currency and passports become vulnerable to fraud – that few seem to understand or recognize the cause of might sell the urgency of the situation rather than leaving it as a silly little novelty for the non-hyper-intellectually inclined.

Craig Oxbrow said on April 1st, 2009 at 9:41 am

Indeed. And if true, I’m curious to see what comes next.

(Of course, when I did thirty things I’d do with Doctor Strange I started with sword fights with monsters. Our readings of the book are a bit different.)

Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris said on April 1st, 2009 at 10:00 am

This seems more like Doom Patrol territory than Dr. Strange, actually.


You should actually do “Thirty Books I Should Write” and do one great idea for each of thirty teams or characters.

Joysweeper said on April 1st, 2009 at 10:04 am

Oooh. Yeah, I’d read that. The theft of blueness isn’t like any setup to adventure I’ve ever heard of.

equinox216 said on April 1st, 2009 at 10:08 am

The follow-up question after the theft is resolved, of course, is: “What’s been previously stolen that NO ONE noticed?”

“What do you mean, no one’s got any slood?”


And of course the phenomenon of a color disappearing, but nobody noticing it (because, I guess, the *idea* of the color is disappearing too) just forces the question: Has this happened before? How many *other* colors have we been robbed of while we did not, and now cannot, notice?

karellan said on April 1st, 2009 at 10:16 am

This reminds me of something out of “John Dies at the End” (www.johndiesattheend.com). The fundamental base of reality has shifted in ways that seem inconsequential to the occupants of that reality, or aren’t even noticed at all, but the entities enacting that change are advancing a plot so nefarious and diabolical that it can’t even accurately be described in human words.


Cool concept, does remind me of the war in the 5th dimension that Morrison had in his JLA run.

Lister Sage said on April 1st, 2009 at 10:40 am

Fuck yeah. If for no other reason then Marvel has gone to long without a Doctor Strange ongoing and this is the perfect idea to start a new one. It would give you a change to see how Strange exists in the Marvel U, both in comparison to the everyman and to other heroes. To see why the Sorcerer Supreme needs to exist. And this doesn’t seem so complicated that in the first three issues you’ve got to explain what Shuma Gorath is. Something is stealing blue. Who? Why? And how do we get it back? And the implication that this is just the first thing we’ve noticed that’s gone? It’s either the beginning of an awesome quest or an interesting coda to the story. And I don’t give a shit what Bendis thinks, the Sorcerer Supreme will always be Stephen Strange.

Also, even if this is some kind of April Fool’s Day gag: don’t stop. I need a Dr. Strange fix and this is the only way I’m going to get it.


Aw, and I was so looking forward to ‘Reason #1 why Flapjacks should write the Legion’.

Flapjacks said on April 1st, 2009 at 11:16 am

Reason One: Fetish Poetry About The Girls Of Neptune
Reason Seven: The Legion Would Be Totally Metal, Guys
Reason Twelve: New Kinds Of Juice You Have Never Considered!
Reason Nineteen: Cannibal Biker Accountants From Beyond The Stars
Reason Twenty-Four: That One Guy From That Old Silver Age Comic, You Know The One, Let’s Revamp Him And Make Him Relevant For The Current Day Or Something
Reason Thirty: I’m Not Sure What An “Intelliphant” Would Be But I Think We Need One In This Comic I Don’t Care About


Whether this is an April Fool’s Day joke or not, I enjoy the UHF reference of the title.

squishydish said on April 1st, 2009 at 11:23 am

Maybe it’s the start of some plot against the Lantern Corps? Take the blue out, and they’re not green anymore, they’re yellow, right?

Is all the blue REALLY gone, or is it just that nobody can perceive it anymore? There is such a thing as yellow/blue colorblindness, after all.

I did see a PowerPuff Girls ep once where an evil clown stole ALL the colors so everything was B&W. But somehow it’s harder to imagine how just blue could be taken away.

malakim2099 said on April 1st, 2009 at 11:58 am

You know, it’s hard to be subtle today. But kudos for the effectiveness.

What’s really sad is that I would actually love to see this as a Dr. Strange story.

HitTheTargets said on April 1st, 2009 at 12:01 pm

My first thought upon reading the title was “That damn Happy Happy Cult is at it again!”

My last relevant thought was “You know, if DOOM was the Sorceror Supreme, he wouldn’t just get blue back, he’d give us colors we never had before.” He’d call them Doom, Light Doom, Doomish Yellow, and RICHARDS!! The Hated Color.

HitTheTargets said on April 1st, 2009 at 12:10 pm

Scratch that, it’d be Yellowish Doom.


When I first read this, I thought it was “Why I should write Dr. Who” rather than “Why I should write Dr. Strange”.


Oh my god! It’s all so clear! That’s what happened to San Francisco! DR. STRANGE, COME QUICKLY.


squishydish, he states earlier in the bit about how mixed colors still exist –

“It’s not that the blue spectrum of light is missing, either. Things that are cyan or magenta are still cyan or magenta; the disappearance of blue hasn’t affected those colours of which blue is a root component. And that’s your first hint that this isn’t a problem science can solve.”

So it wouldn’t bother the Green Lantern Corps much at all. Unless, of course, you could argue that removing blue from the color spectrum shifts the balance of power such that Green and Yellow aren’t naturally opposed. In which case, perhaps the Green Lantern Corps suddenly finds itself vulnerable to Red or Orange or Brown.

I mean, it could be a direct cause/effect, or it could be the symptom of a bigger problem. Maybe reality is fraying around the edges and blue just happens to be the first thing to go. Or maybe parallel universes are colliding and the impact blurred or rattled a few fundamental universal components. Or maybe the great cosmic entity that dreams of all creation shifted a bit in its sleep, and this is the result. :-p

Rob Brown said on April 1st, 2009 at 1:52 pm

April Fool’s or not, I’ve got a question. A hypothetical one. This comes after the recent revelation that the person who drew these guys made enough of an impression on Gail Simone for this to happen.

Let’s say you keep on making posts like this. One of these days (and don’t tell me the odds, Threepio), somebody at one of the big two or at Dark Horse or wherever might say “You know what? This guy could do good work. Let’s give him a shot and see how it goes.”

If that happened, do you think it’d be possible to practice law and write fast enough to make a monthly deadline, or do you think you’d have to choose between the two? I know that when Bill Mantlo decided to be a public defender he had to leave comics altogether, so I’m guessing that you wouldn’t be able to do both either, but still decided to ask.


If that happened, do you think it’d be possible to practice law and write fast enough to make a monthly deadline, or do you think you’d have to choose between the two?

I already know two things:

1.) I write fast.

2.) I have no interest, at the moment, in becoming a Full-Time-Comic-Book-Writer ™. I’d like to write maybe one ongoing series at a time. That is the sort of thing I can handle while doing other work.

(Also: at some point, people are going to figure out that when I talk about stories I actually want to write in comics shared universes – the Legion, Dr. Strange, etc. – all of those stories are linked by the common fact that they take place on said shared universe’s margins. The appeal of these books is that they involve dramatically less worrying about the status of the universe’s continuity as a whole.)

hatgirlstargazer said on April 1st, 2009 at 2:11 pm

Wow. Fascinating idea. As an astronomer specializing in spectroscopy, I immediately want to know what happens when you take a spectrum that should normally have some blue feature. Is the wavelength still there to science, just not *blue*? Is there a gap? If you held a prism up to the window and looked at the rainbow, would there be a dark spot in place of blue, or a section where there’s light but not color as we recognize it, or would it go straight from purple to green without a gap? The answer, I suppose, is the difference between Reed Richards seeing the problem and not being able to solve it, and him not seeing a problem at all.

Harvey Jerkwater said on April 1st, 2009 at 2:23 pm

A year ago, inspired by MGK’s “Why I Should Write the Legion” series, I knocked out fifteen “Reasons Why I Should Write Doctor Strange.” They included The Cult of Strangeites and the Mystic Knuckleball, the New Ancient One, Wong Loves Tacos, and He Didn’t Ask to Be This Sexy. Plus a logical streamlining of Marvel Magic. Hey, I had time on my hands.

The Doctor is, like the LSH, one of the great underused properties of comics.


No blue sky, huh? It’d be kind of like living in England.

FifthSurprise said on April 1st, 2009 at 2:33 pm

But… what would happen to Blue Devil?

Would he just become… Devil?

lawnmower boy said on April 1st, 2009 at 2:41 pm

Can Doc trade the Blue Jays for blue? Can he trade magenta and eggshell white and burnt umber for things we can actually use?

Cookie McCool said on April 1st, 2009 at 2:42 pm

Maybe he’s just be a Sad Devil.


Or at least it is to anybody from this dimension. In other dimensions, where the laws of physics are written by a wholly different hand, blue might not be a colour. It might be a power source. It might be a currency. Maybe it’s food.

Someone’s been reading too much Phil Foglio.

Things that, once explained, one can do ones self for free. To be sure, this annoys some of the races that have brought some of these wonderful ideas to the Galaxy’s notice; such as the Choaten, who tried and failed to patent the concept of blue as a source of nutrition.

Wait, what am I saying? There’s no such thing as too much Phil Foglio.


Blue Devil would join Team Thirteen!


so is this the beginning of “I should write Dr. Strange”?? or the beginning of “I Should Write _____”? b/c the latter would be really fun.

or is this an april fools?


I’m not sure the GLC would really be affected at all.

What with them existing in DC, and Dr. Strange being a Marvel property


If Marvel could let Ashley Woods draw 13 issues of Ghost Rider 2099 (or any comic book, ever), there should be no problem letting MGK (or anyone that could at least scribble anything letter-like on a page) write an issue or two of Doctor Strange.

Ashley Woods lowered the bar for us all.


The *shrug* Man Group


I once met a guy who claimed that, after a bad acid trip, he never saw the color green again. He could still remember what green looked like, but he saw every green thing as a new color he couldn’t describe properly. Never could decide if I believed him or not.


mweiss: How many *other* colors have we been robbed of while we did not, and now cannot, notice?

Well, there’s octarine, of course.


They can keep it, as far as I’m concerned.

All it did was summon unholy things man was not meant to know, and blorange did that already.

solid snake said on April 1st, 2009 at 9:00 pm

This should be the premise for a Doctor Strange movie. Also, what else is missing along with blue. Personally I think it would be a plot by DOCTOR DOOM to make the hated Richards looker dumber than he really is.


Doom would never risk not being able to see his My Little Pony collection in their full color. Not even Richard is worth that risk.


this seems like a Grant Morrison style idea
this is my highest compliment
i want Dr Strange
more Dr Strange


See – this is the problem RIGHT HERE!

I *know* this is an April Fools joke. And yet it’s actually MUCH BETTER idea then anything Marvel has done with the Good Doctor in SUCH a long time that it makes me sad!


Actually With the exception of some recent Avengers appearences, Marvel has done a few of good things in the past few years. Due probably due to the fact that it has done SO FEW things with Strange, but it’s still very good nonetheless


For an example of what Probe’s talking about, BKV did the whole “would a panacea be a bad thing” story, “The Oath.”

Zenrage: Ouch.

Calvin Government said on April 2nd, 2009 at 1:03 pm

I don’t get it. If Dr. Strange was out doing his job, who would be there to teleport the Avengers around and zap muggers?


Cloak and Dagger

Generic Lad said on April 2nd, 2009 at 6:02 pm

But what happens to the super-intelligent shades of the color blue from “Hitchhiker’s Guide”?

Now you’re talking… murder!

solid snake said on April 2nd, 2009 at 7:56 pm

If all the blue is disappearing, the what the HELL would happen to Doctor Manhattan?Would he just cease being or what? I mean really what would happen? This will puzzle me for as long as it takes to get an answer. And yes I know that Dr. Manhattan is DC and Dr. Strange is Marvel, but still what would happen to him.


This is so wonderful. The “Reasons” are the primary reason I come to his blog. Thanks for more of these. I love reading them.


[…] I-CHING! Mightygodking’s Chris Bird is at it again, this time sharing his ideas for a hypothetical Doctor Strange run.  The first one is here. […]


If bringing blue back would also bring back the Smurfs, it may not be worth it. Great conundrums of Crytorrak!


Solid Snake – if the color blue was stolen, Dr Manhattan would nod (“right on schedule”) and then continue observing particle emission from the accretion disk around a black hole. Except now he’d be green.


[…] reasons, however, are never directed at himself. From the very first post in which he creates a scenario where the colour blue has been magically leached from our existence […]

Diego Ibarra said on March 1st, 2015 at 10:56 am

Almost six years later, this pitch takes on an interesting new wrinkle:



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