this is probably the closest we will get to a Rex The Wonder Dog teevee show any time soon.
this is probably the closest we will get to a Rex The Wonder Dog teevee show any time soon.
"[O]ne of the funniest bloggers on the planet... I only wish he updated more."
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8 users responded in this post
Don’t turn around, uh-oh
Der Kommissar’s in town, uh-oh
(and a dog)
No love for K-9000?
i hated that show even when i was, like, 12, but i guess it was because of the dubbing.
Hey, today’s DC shake-up probably pushes the odds of a Rex TV show from 0.000000000001% to 0.0001%. Time for a letter writing campaign to Diane Nelson.
Watching the jumping exercise I knew damn well that Rex was gonna bite that rope. Because it don’t matter if it’s Kommissar Rex or Rex the MOTHERFUCKING Wonder Dog, no canine with any dignity is gonna jump some stupid rope that can be cut with one bite.
That Rex, he’s one mean mother-
(Shut your mouth)
But I’m talking about Rex!
(Then we can dig it!)
Wait . . . I don’t see anything.
It looks like seniority and position on that police force is determined by the size and shape of your chin.