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Cookie McCool said on December 6th, 2010 at 12:42 pm

My two favorite Christmas moves, Die Hard and It’s A Wonderful Life! Throw Psycho in there, and the holiday is complete.

Candlejack said on December 6th, 2010 at 1:16 pm

No Gremlins?


All Glee theme nights are sources of dread.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0388473/ <–favorite Xmas movie.


Survivor: Jeff Probst had every right to drag Naonka and Kelly S. through the mud. Normally, I can’t stand Probst, and I’m horrified that he’s the only reality hosts with Emmys. But Naonka has been such a bitch this season, and she opted out rather than getting blindsided or humiliated by the jury on Day 39. Also, I think it sucks that Kelly and Naonka are on the jury. I know there’s a precedent with Janu on Palau, but what right do those two have to ask any questions to the final three. If they were excluded, there would have been seven jury members left, which would’ve been dandy for three finalists. Instead, it’s a 3/9 situation, and I think Probst’s head would explode if we wound up with a 3-3-3 tie. Seriously, we needed Russell Hantz for this season, so that he could’ve disguised just how bad this season sucked with his antics.

The Amazing Race: I think all three teams would make worthy winners. While Brook & Claire have only won a single leg (which surprised the heck out of me), they’ve managed to stay near the lead pack throughout the season. Jill & Thomas winning is the worst-case-scenario, since they’re a sniping and bland dating team, but when compared to Nick & Vicki? We’ll take it.


On another note: if someone could explain to me how a serialized show about a zombie apocalypse in the Romero mold–a premise that’s been begging to be put on television–based on a solid comic book, airing on AMC (current home of some of the best TV available), and overseen and mostly written by Frank Motherfucking Darabont, could end up sucking so badly, I would really appreciate it.


Prankster: You don’t like Walking Dead? Blasphemy! What’s wrong with it?

Lister Sage said on December 6th, 2010 at 11:54 pm

My Christmas consists of Die Hard, the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 episode ‘Santa Clause Conquers the Martians’ and whatever Doctor Who Christmas special is airing. Its hard not to love Christmas with that line up.


Would that be Casper’s first Christmas since he died, or what?


Lia wins this comments thread.


@supergp: It’s not well written. At all. There are almost too many clunky, nonsensical moments to list. The finale had some really bad bits, like the way the black lady decides to stay and nobody cares, but when the white lady decides to stay the nice old guy plays moral chicken with her to get her to survive. Then they all run away from a badly-CGI’d explosion and duck behind some sandbags about fifty feet away, and walk away without a scratch. Thereby ending the season with nothing resolved, no arcs concluded, and no particular storyline set up for next season.

Going back a few episodes, we have some pretty egregious nonsense like Rick deciding to light out on his wife and child seemingly hours after finding them, and some of the most broadly drawn villains I’ve ever seen. Michael Rooker’s character in the second episode was particularly terrible–he wasn’t written as if they’d been living with him for a month, he was written as if he suddenly dropped out of the sky to cause trouble. What, did they not notice he was a violent, racist asshole until he’d convinced them to come along to the city with them and start taking potshots at the walkers for no particular reason?

Just bad.

Candlejack said on December 7th, 2010 at 12:16 pm

I haven’t seen the finale yet, but by chance do you mean Andrea when you say “white lady”? You have noticed that Dale is kind of sweet on her, right? When someone you love wants to commit suicide, there’s this knee-jerk reaction to, you know, do what it takes to stop her. If it’s not Andrea you mean, then yeah, that’s pretty lame.


Lori Holden’s character–the names haven’t stuck, no. And it’s not so much that Dale tries to prevent her as it is that that scene makes it abundantly clear that the writers just never gave the slightest shit about the black lady. It’s a classic “You should care now, even though we, the writers, haven’t given you any reason to” moment.

Candlejack said on December 10th, 2010 at 1:12 am

Yeah, that’s Andrea. I don’t know the actors, but read the comic, so I know them by character name instead of actor name.

Anyway, I can agree the writers didn’t waste a lot of time developing the characters they knew were going to die. The point I get skeptical is where you seem to imply that there’s a racist element to it. (Forgive me if I drew a bad conclusion there; it wouldn’t be the first time I swung and missed on interpreting a comment.) If the show follows the comic…Andrea’s got something of a future. Other lady…not so much. So, yeah, Andrea gets more development, and yeah, she’s not gonna be left to die six episodes in. But it’s not because she’s white.


I wasn’t meaning that the writers were racist, no. Just that that the writers were painfully apathetic to that one character, but then asked us to get all choked up about her death, which was lame.


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