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In regards to Survivor . . . Kim could get all nine votes and walk on water, and nobody will give a crap. It’s not her fault . . . Colton took up too much camera time, and his removal from the game left a vacuum nobody was able to fill. Seriously, I probably can’t pick out Kim or Chelsea from a lineup because they’re just there as white women*. Even if she wins, no way does she keep remembered one month into S25. And Probst probably won’t acknowledge the existence of Kim, Chelsea or Sabrina at the reunion, because they were alpha males, bitchy males, borderline impaired (Tarzan, Kat) or ugly bitches inside and out (Alicia, Alicia, Alicia). Probst will interview the winner and runners-up first, then Tarzan and Troy, then Kat, then give Colton an all-over tongue bath.

*Some people just don’t stand out to me, and they’re usually white and drama-free. Not like I can confuse Troy and Leif with each other, but others blur to me.

William Kendall said on May 11th, 2012 at 5:41 pm

I’d have to know what Last Man Standing is to care….

The only program I still watch each week is Castle. Great cast, smart writing, and fun. Most everything else has degraded into pointless gluts of reality shows, bad comedies, or forensics lab rats.


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