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“Lisa, I’d like to buy your rock.”

Lister Sage said on January 12th, 2009 at 4:30 pm

Not to rip on the Legion or anything: but if the best you can do with Smallville is having a guest appearence by the Legion, then you may just be scraping the bottom of the Superman barrel. We’ll know for sure when they hit Doomsday. (I do not watch Smallville so I am assuming they haven’t done Doomsday.)


Who is this David Suzuki, and why is he so down on so many people?


Lister: They already did Doomsday. It sucked.

01d55: David Suzuki is Canada’s most prominent environmentalist, and as such is a fascinating mix of self-righteous and awesome. He possesses the world’s most awesome Japanafro and is terrifyingly buff considering his age.


“Three months of everybody watching this fucking show so people have something to talk about at work the next day and can keep from realizing how desperately unhappy they really are starts here!”


DIstantFred said on January 13th, 2009 at 12:09 pm

Desmond: Great LOST character, or GREATEST LOST character. (Personally down for Greatest, m’self. His focus episodes tend to be among the most compelling/interesting)

I haven’t cared about Smallville in like three years, and a Geoff Johns written Legion ain’t going to make me care again. I’ve seen his Legion, and it left a funny after taste in my mouth.


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