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The return of Who’s Who! It had been long enough that I almost forgot I missed it.


Sometimes a powder horn is just a powder horn. This is obviously not one of those times.

The Unstoppable Gravy Express said on April 25th, 2013 at 11:10 am

“That’s it, Danny, stand right there. Now move closer… closer… just press up right against… AWW yeahhh, that’s it.”

William Kendall said on April 25th, 2013 at 2:08 pm

Of course, now we can’t help but look at it.


You said we’d all go ‘ewwww’ and did not disappoint.


Am I the only one who finds the word “moose” inherently funny? I mean, I’m sure they’re very dangerous animals, but “he saved Black Thunder from a fierce moose” is not exactly an impressive sentence.

Cookie McCool said on April 25th, 2013 at 5:35 pm

Until you’ve been on the business end of a fierce moose, you just keep laughing.

William Kendall said on April 25th, 2013 at 6:42 pm

Try laughing at a pissed off male moose in the rutting season in November.

Energy-Puking Boy said on April 25th, 2013 at 9:28 pm

I think you left out a dozen or so “EW”s.


C’mon, MGK. My joke was, “Sooooooooo . . . he hunts Dans?” This is about a 2.3 on the Squick Scale, with Terry Long ogling Donna Troy’s chick friends at 10.


I look at the little background pictures and can’t help captioning the one on the left:

“This, son, was George Washington. Our first and finest President, up until he charged at me one fall morning and I shot him in the leg and stuffed him. Now he’s my desk-buddy. HELLO, MISTER PRESIDENT! (Working The Jaw) ‘He-rro Wittle Boyyyyy’…”

Fred Davis said on April 26th, 2013 at 7:46 am

“he saved Black Thunder from a fierce moose” is not exactly an impressive sentence.

A moose is basically a snow camel, but more angry, hominidphobic, and nigh invulnerable to damage.

Trucks give them the right of way.

MonkeyWithTypewriter said on April 26th, 2013 at 9:45 am

A moose once bit my sister.


Now I’m not a mathemetician, but their vital stats put Tomahawk at only 5″ taller and 30 lb. heavier than Dan. Eyeballing that picture, that dude is approximately 1.3 times the height of that kid, and he looks like he outweighs him by a considerable margin.

So…if Tomahawk’s stats are correct, that is a picture of Dan Hunter when he was 4’1″ tall (about the height of my 9 year old daughter).

Alternately, if Dan Hunter really is 5’8″ in that picture (which, incidentally, puts him at about my own height and weight), then Tomahawk is approximately 7’6″ tall.

On the gripping hand, maybe they just pulled numbers out of their ass? If we arbitrarily pick 5’0″ for Dan’s height (the height of my 12 year old son), then Tomahawk is 6’8″…still an unusually tall man, but within some semblance of reason.

I’m not going to address weights.

tl;dr The main reason that picture looks so fucked up to me because of the enormous size disparity. Honestly, it doesn’t look any more pedophiliac than a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin (which, I realize, is not much of a defense…).

Heksefatter said on April 28th, 2013 at 5:13 am

Isn’t it sort of a requirement from that era in comics? There had to be a creepy NAMBLA’esque sidekick.

Can’t fault Tomahawk or his pic for that. Nossir.


If it helps Spartakos, if Tom is 6’1″ in the picture, that would Dan around 4’10”.
As a Brown Bess musket of the period was a little over 4’8″ that seems about right.
If Dan ends up being 5’8″ when he’s 20, according to growth charts he’ll be about 12 and a half in the picture – the target age for the comics readership.

I’d imagine this is a little after they first met, when they’ve come to terms with the fact Tom is never going to take Dan to find his parents or even ask about them.

I had an hour to kill.


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